I need Prayers for my sister Florence

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sending good vibes your way

sending good vibes your way

prayers for your sister, i hope she does well and pulls thru this.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't found too much more. I have not been able to reach any family that was at the hospital today. One of my other sisters(MaryAnn) who lives down there, said she found out that Florence had a very bad night last night breathing, even with the Oxygen. She also can't seem to stop coughing. Maryann told me they moved her to Intensive Care. I'm assuming the Cardiac unit.

Jeanette, you are right. It is real hard being so far away and relying on others for information. I feel so helpless. The hospital will only give me general information, since I'm not there.

I will post again when I know what is going on. Thanks again everyone for the prayers.
I can know how distance plays a part in this Lorraine

Thanks for update .....continue to pray for all of you.

zipper2 (DEB)

Thoughts/prayers en route....

Speaking of route ... road trip to Alabama? (Asked to hopefully bring a small smile to your face....) ;)

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ... & I approve this post
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"He's off on a midwest run" ... Alabama ... 'Roll On'
Update on my sister Florence and now also my sister Gladys!

Update on my sister Florence and now also my sister Gladys!

Hi Everyone,

I can't believe this is happening. I received a call from my sister Gerri today. My sister Florence had an emergency operation last night because they found out she had a perferated colon. She still has been coughing up a lot of phelgm at this time. If she is stable Monday, they will operate on at least one of her, Carotid Arteries. So the stomach pain was from the colon. Now I have to look that up and find out what would cause that.

Then in another breathe, my sister Gerri, tells me that my sister Gladys, who lives in Chicago was rushed to the hospital last night due to breathing problems and pain in her stomach. They did x-rays and said she has a mass near her kidneys, they think is a fluid build up and she also has a fluid build up around her lungs. They are going to do a biospy on Monday on the kidney to hopefully rulle out cancer, and I am assuming will be draining the fluid build up, however they do that.

I appreciate everyone's continued thought, prayers and kind supporting words. I will post an update probably later in the day tomorrow. This seems like a nightmare! All I can do is leave it in God's hands for both my sisters to pull through all this. They are in their early 70's. Thanks everyone.
Aye, Lorraine ... very sorry....

Thoughts/prayers continuing, of course....
My sister Florence is in ICU and not doing very good. The doctors said she would be in there at least another week. They are going to wait until next week to do her corotid artery to see if she stabalizes from the colon operation. She is still having a lot of breathing problems and can't talk.

Correction about my sister Gladys. The doctors found a mass around her liver not her kidneys. They are going to do an MRI on Tuesday and also a biopsy of the liver to hopefully rule out cancer. I am praying the outcome will be good. I will post again in a few days or sooner if the doctors have any news they can tell us. At least I was able to talk to my sister Gladys today, which gave me some comfort. Again thanks for all your prayers.
Lorraine sorry to hear this as im hunting done posts

and continued prayers for all of you,hang in there

we are all praying for you's HUGS to all.

zipper2 (DEB)
just found this. I am so sorry, Lorraine. our sisters are so very important to us, aren't they. I pray that yours will be well soon and hope that things can turn around for them.
Lorraine ~ I'm SO sorry. Your sisters and you and your family are in my prayers.
I most certainly will keep you and your sisters in my nightly prayers. I have only one sister and she means the world to me. I can't even begin to imagine what you must be going through. God Bless You ALL
My Dear Friend,

So sorry to her about your sister's. Wish I had checked in sooner. At this point, hoping things are moving forward and all is going well.

You will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Hi Everyone,

I want to update what is happening to my sisters. Florence has finall been weaned off all drugs and she finally opened her eyes. She does not remember what happended for the last two weeks. She didn't even know she had surgery on her colon. She is alert now, and finally walking the halls in the hospital. She will have surgery on her her carotid arteries in a month or so. They want her to heal from the colon surgery. They kept her sedated because she kept trying to pull the tubes out. That is also the reason they kept her sedated. They will keep her in ICU until she is more stable. Eventually she may go home. I will continue to update youn on her progress.

My sister Gladys, is hoping to go home tomorrow. She has not heard a result from the biospy on her liver. So far her doctors have said she doesn't need surgery, so that's good. She should hear in the next couple of days the results from the biospy. I will keep you posted about her also.

I want to thank you all for your continued prayers. I will report back when I know something more.
Thanks for the update, Lorraine. Prayers continue for you and your sisters.
Hi Lorraine, I hope your sister Florence is recovering from her 1st surgery and your sister Gladys gets good news from her tests.

This must be so difficult for you. Take care of yourself. Keeping you all in my prayers. ((((HUGS))))

Thoughts/prayers continue coming to you and your sisters....