I need Prayers for my sister Florence

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Sounds like things are looking up. So happy to hear good news. You all will be in our continued thoughts and prayers.

Will you still have time to visit in CL in Sunday?
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to update about my sister Florence and sister Gladys. Also new prayers for my brother George.

My sister Florence finally was weaned off all the drugs and opened her eyes Monday. She had no idea that she had been in the hospital for over two weeks! She thought she had only been there a couple of days. She's doing better. They decided to postpone the surgery on carotid arteries until she has healed from the colon operation. She is very weak from being in almost a vegetative state for a week and a half. She was moved to rehab where she will be for the next month to get her body moving again.
My sister Gladys is at home now. She is still having problems breathing but they let her go home to rest. They did do one type of biopsy when she was still in there but it was inconclusive. She had an MRI also to look at the mass. She is taking antibiotics for the infection. They are scheduling her for a liver biopsy (which what I thought she already had) and also a bone marrow test which she will do as an outpatient. I?m praying the tests come back negative for liver cancer when she get them done. She doesn?t sound good at all, but she?s in good spirits in spite of all this.
Monday I also found out my brother George (who also lives in Alabama went into the hospital with CHF and Pneumonia. He went to the same hospital my sister Florence is in. He too was having breathing problems and now they have him on oxygen. I have not been able to reach him yet to talk to him. I?m just hearing all this from my sister MaryAnn.
I want to thank everyone again for your continued prayers. I never would have believed I would have three siblings in the hospital all at the same time. I will update when I have more to tell.
Lorraine, bless your heart, you have three of them very, very sick at the same time. At least the two in the same hospital can pass information back and forth, easily. They are in my prayers. And you, too. I know you are in pain for them. Blessins.........
I just got off the phone with my sister Gerri. My sister Gladys was rushed back to the hospital today and her liver is failing and she has pneumonia. The hospital has her on life support but possibly later this afternoon the family is going to pull the plug. My sister never wanted to be on life support to stay alive. I am crying so hard as I write this. I hope I'm making sense. I'm hoping when they take her off the life support she can hang in there. It doesn't look good with the liver going, though.

Ann: My sister Florence left that part of the hospital and is now located at their rehab center as of today. My brother George was able to leave the hospital this morning, so I guess he's doing somewhat better. I am at such a loss over all that is going on right now.

I thank everyone for all your continued prayers. All I can do is leave it in Gods hands. What will be, will be. It still hurts though.
Lorraine, at times like these, what we depend on is our faith and our family and friends. I know you have lots of them, including us. Cry as long as you want to because you are in such pain and grief. Bless you while you bear all of this and prayers for all of your family. We are here, you know and you know we love you.
Lorraine, I am so so sorry to hear the health troubles your family is incurring. You will be in my prayers too. When people you love are in the situation your siblings are it is only natural to cry. My heart aches for you.
Aye Lorraine...very, very sorry.

Thoughts/prayers continue coming to you and your entire family.....
Lorraine, So sorry to read of all your troubles. My hugs & prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time.
I write this with a heavy heart. My sister Gladys passed away at 1:17pm Sunday afternoon. My niece that her body actually shut down all together at about 5:30am in the morning but they didn't pull the plug until the immediate family got there.

My niece said the doctors discovered she had a disease called Amyloidosis. It's a protein buildup that can attack any organ in the body. It mimics many things so it wasn't easy to detect. she has had a few times in the last year where she had fluid buildup and she had gone to the hospital to drain it. Each time the doctors just said she had pneumonia. Here is the article I found on the web, if anyone wants to see it.

There are a few different types and one of them is hereditary. so my bro-in-law and going to find out what type she had. Just in case all the siblings need to get checked. It's treatable if caught in time.

She is at rest now, and I'm trying to just focus on all the good times we had together. She was 16 years older than me and use to take care of me all the time. Tuesday is the wake and Wednesday the funeral.

Another correction about my sister Florence. I was misinformed. She is still in the hospital, not rehab. The doctors discovered she developed pneumonia again and they drained the fluid from around her heart and lungs. The doctors decided to do another angiogram sometime this week and possibly do the stenting right away. The famliy down in Alabama is torn with wanting to get up here for the funeral for Gladys and staying down there to be close by Florences side.

I want to thank everyone again for your continued prayers and kind messages. I am praying to try and stay strong, especially for my nieces, nephew and bro-in-laws sake. It's very hard when you are emotionally hurting too.

I will keep everyone updated on how Florence is doing.
My sincerest condolances Lorraine. Yes, focusing on the good times is great thinking. Keep me posted on Florence. Prayers coming her/your way. And for the rest of the family at this very difficult time.
You have my deepest sympathies on the loss of your dear sister. I suspect, and some of Joe's doctors suspected that he had amyloidosis. He did have an isolated amyloidoma removed from his lung. It is a very nasty disease. They wanted him to go to Boston University clinic wher they do research on the disease, but he became too weak to go. His body also had multiple organ failures when his time was near.

May God keep you close during this difficult time.
Gina, Bina, Nancy thank you.

Nancy: Until yesterday I had never heard of it. That's interesting that the doctors suspected amyloidosis with Joe too. Sounds very familiar that he had mulitiple organs shut down too, near the end. As soon as my niece told me what Gladys died from, I had to look it up. It does sound like a very nasty disease. She just went so fast though the doctors did say this had to be building up in her body for a while. We are all in shock! Thanks for sharing your information.
I'm so sorry to read that your sister passed on, Lorraine. That is a terrible blow and even more awful when one considers that another sister is also very ill.
I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
God Bless