Yesterday was the big wedding!

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2006
Yesterday was my son's wedding!!
It was such a beautiful and amazing day. I would love to share more, but I am tired, and on the way out for my little boys birthday party!:D

Please stop by my Blog to see a few pics of my son and his lovely wife! Thanks
Looks like all had a good time. Did you?

Didn't I look happy?
Yes..I am very happy, these are good kids with great plans for their future. I am a bit sad that they are moving away from me:( But very excited about a new daughter and for their future.
Well of course you look happy. I've seen alot of moms look so full of joy and then they fall all apart as soon as bride and groom are gone. :)
AWWE Marky,
Beautiful family and my oldest son 28,daughter 26 youngest son 21
none of which married yet,but makes you wonder do i reach for tissue or champagne?

I remember my last moved out after grad 2 years ago and i think back
the countless laundry ,dishes etci'd hate to estimate,but when he left
i couldn't stop the tears,although i couldn't be more happier for any of them.
Now when any of them come home we all make bigger messes,have water fights inside(LOL) just this weekend my oldest was home with his fiancee
and i tell you did we have a water fight......yes inside the house!!
Oh but they grow up so fast and are so precious and they do move away:(
But the neat thing is they come back for visits and we get to hug them more.

Youve got an awesome family there Marky from the pics and im glad
you all had a beautiful time and now relax,take time for you.
Take care and good to see your post.

Thank you for the kind posts..and for sharing my special day!
They are young, but I am happy for them, and they have great plans for their life, Serving God in other countries.

I was very happy Ross.. They just did everything right. It was refreshing and something that my family needed.
My younger two are heartsick that their big brother is now moved out...he was a great big brother.. and they surely will miss his presence.

Time marches on..
You've laid the foundation for your son and his wife to build together a new life on. Congratulations on a job well done!