Winter, Winter--Go Away!

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Mother Nature decided to grace us with a terrible sleet, freezing rain, ice storm that dumped about 3 inches of the nasty stuff on us. Then this area had a massive power outage. Our power was out for 31 hours. It was absolutely FREEZING in the house because it is freezing outside. We can't start a fire in the fireplace because of Joe's lung problems, so we had to wear several layers of clothing inside.

Power came back on at about 7:30 this evening. What a relief!

We're supposed to be getting another storm with more snow in a day ot two. Just what we need. I think my daylillies will be blooming in the snow. They are already up and poking through it.
Oh nancy 31 hours with out heat..... I'm so sorry to hear that. I remember one summer we had tornadoes in the area it did horrible damage. We were with out electric for four days. It was so hot, no air conditioning. Glad to hear that your power is now on.... martha
We probably had the same ice storm first, hitting Friday night. We were without power only eleven hours (or thirteen? I can't figure out the time change), but the damage done to the trees throughout our area is amazing. I can't remember a worse storm. About a quarter million in our area were without power.
Hi Nancy

I'm so glad you're back to normal now---31 hours without heat, especially up there is inconceivable!!! We're getting set to get it today, they're predicting 5-10 inches for us on the north shore of the island-----boy what a wacky winter this has been!!! My tulips are out of the ground about 7 inches----who knows what they'll do!!!! Stay warm!!!

I can barely take the teasing of mother nature anymore. One day it's 73 and sunny, the next it's 28 and snowing. I've learned to keep a few layers of clothing handy for the NO HEAT situation. My oil lines used to freeze up and cause problems. Not anymore thank goodness. Still, anytime without heat is a major bummer.
We're getting the storm here too today. Does it ever end? :(


You northern climes will have some warmth soon. Last week in southern Indiana it was really nice with temps in the high 70's. I've already mowed, and two of my lady friends (Just kids) went for a swim in my lake last Friday. The frogs are croaking and doing whatever else they do in the Spring. The fish are biting and the mushrooms will be popping up all over the place real soon. The male Turkeys are competing for rights right accross the ridge and the deer are right near the house. Its a great time of year and you guys will have your share pretty soon. Chris
Here I thought I had it bad

Here I thought I had it bad

I sat through 3 softball games in the windy city Sat. and Sun. About a mile from the lake. BRRRRRRRR. But at least I got to come home to a warm house. I hope the storm misses you Nancy. If not I hope you keep your power this time. Peggy
Tornatoes in South

Tornatoes in South

Daddy said sirens going off in his hometown..Popping up everywhere. Rain here and too hot. Sure sign of tornatoes...Will swap our weather for some snow.:p :p Missed your posting Nancy. Bonnie
Glass half full: at least the drought's history

Glass half full: at least the drought's history

Hi Nancy - once again, you guys have been martyrs to mother nature this year. I was prowling around the net last night and checked out the Syracuse newspaper to find out how hard my old stomping grounds (Oswego) was hit. Looks pretty bad.

Hope this next storm isn't so bad. After what you've been through, I think a quick, unplanned mini vacation to ANYWHERE with power would be in my agenda. Like drive south really really fast.

Good luck. Hope you don't have to mess with this stuff anymore.
Isn't this a great spring so far ?
We had the ice storm and had no power for about ten hours on Friday.
A lot of people around here still have no power and some may not get it back until this coming Friday.
Today it is cold and snowing pretty hard. They say we might get anywhere from 4-7 inches before it's over, then maybe more freezing rain.
The power company crews are really having a tough time out there today.
I think they are getting BIG TIME overtime, but they should. Anyone who is willing to go out in terrible weather and mess around with power lines, gets my congratulations and thanks.
Hi all,

This may not be the coldest and not the snowiest in this area, but I'll bet its the coldest/snowiest in the last 40 years. We had snow the first week of Nov. and snow the first week of April. The temperature thru this period of time has mainly been below normal.:mad:
You guys, I'm is my spring vacation and it is always cruddy weather then...gee Mother Nature didn't have to dump on everybody though! Don't worry...I'll be back to school next week and we should have just beautiful weather!

You mean your sister is giving up? I don't blame her for hollering UNCLE. But it must be a disappointment. Moving is bad enough, but twice in a year. I can't even think of it.
well, actually, Nancy there was more to it, but the winter was a big factor. Think it has snowed nearly since the day they got there. They had open house this past Sunday - and on Friday came the ice storm. It took an entire tree out, limbs from a bunch of their other trees, the power went off at noon (little sister was home sick with a cold so this didn't help). Not helpful for open house to have trees down in the yard!
It's cold in NJ too

It's cold in NJ too

The snow on Monday did me in, I'm so ready for spring/summer, my first winter on coumadin and it has to be one of the coldest.

I just can't keep warm.

I can't imagin no heat for over 30 hours, we used all the wood for the winter, but we have this old, the Carter years, kerosene heater for emergencies, but the thing smells when lit.

Hopefully the warmer weather will be here soon and will be complaining about the heat and humidity