Which does everyone prefer?

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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2005
Good ole' WISCO
I hope this doesnt cause any problems :p but i was wondering which people prefered. I have heard about only three...INRatio, CoaguCheck, ad ProTime. I will be getting a mechanical valve soon and wanted to discuss this with my doctor because I know you need their approval before home testing.
Currently you only have two choices, Protime or INRatio. Coagucheck is no longer selling to the public. See the sticky thread in this forum.

Either unit is fine, but I prefer the INRatio over the Protime. Smaller, less blood needed and just a nice unit over all.
teehee you must have read all that stuff on the valve choices.

ok members, y'all behave now. See what we wrought in that other one.

I don't see how this one can be controversial tho.

Nice to see you, Mama
hensylee said:
teehee you must have read all that stuff on the valve choices.

ok members, y'all behave now. See what we wrought in that other one.

I don't see how this one can be controversial tho.

Nice to see you, Mama
Behave or I'll prick your finger for ya! :D
Take a good look at the HemosenseINRatio.I think its state of the art right now.
I have never used the ProTime so I can't compare. However, I do have the INRatio and I love it. Easy to use, very portable, and the test strips cost less than the ProTime.
I have the ProTime and it has worked well for me for over 3 years. However, I would love to have the INRatio. Smaller, less blood, easier to travel with. It is definately the latest in the home testing technology.
I use the Protime.

I use the Protime.

I use the Protime. Been home testing since January 2001 without any problems. At the time I bought mine there was nothing else available except the Coagucheck and Protime but I bought the Protime. That seemed the right thing to do at the time. I like it and love the convenience of it. It doesn't take a lot of blood at all, 3 little drops for crying out loud. I've taken it on trips and it travels well. I usually don't take the charger with me because it holds the charge for about 10 uses, so that would be 10 weeks for me if I stay within range. Not always the case though.
INR stands for: "IT'S NEVER RIGHT". My INR was 4.7 today. A tad high but I am feeling fine and am not bleeding. The highest I've been since my surgery in 8/2000 was 8.2 just a few weeks ago, but I was feeling fine then too and was not bleeding. I had to adjust my dose though and right now am taking 20 mg of Coumadin a day.
I just got my INRatio machine a few weeks ago. I've never used another machine so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I love it! It's small and easy to travel with as I've been on vacation for the past three weeks. I have to test my INR just about weekly because it's hard to control and I've had no trouble using the machine. It's VERY user friendly. Hope this helps.
WOW..thanks for all your responses...I was on eheathlabs.com and i thought they had coagucheck on there for sale but i could be wrong (hey...it could happen :p ) but it seems like alot of you really like the INRatio...i was looking at all of them online and it seems like that one IS smaller...well thanks again!
I've been using the Pro-Time unit for almost 2 years. The only problem I have had was with a batch of the testers that didn't work. That was an inconvenience and they were replaced without additional cost. The unit itself is easy to use. The battery doesn't hold a charge very long so I just plug it in when I use it.
bvdr said:
I've been using the Pro-Time unit for almost 2 years. The only problem I have had was with a batch of the testers that didn't work. That was an inconvenience and they were replaced without additional cost. The unit itself is easy to use. The battery doesn't hold a charge very long so I just plug it in when I use it.

I recharged mine about 3 months ago and the charge still reads half-way. Recently I had marveled about how long I go between charges. I got mine in November 2003.