When you have good and bad days what is like?

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Well-known member
May 1, 2006
Smynra, GA
Somedays (like today) I feel depressed and hopeless like Im never going to be normal again. According to Doctors I don't even know what normal is so I don't know how to feel. "Your heart doesn't know what normal is" Pre Op statement my cardiologist made. Have I been abnormal since my first OHS and just accepted that as normal???? The repair job wasn't a complete success but it did improve my life somewhat. I didn't have the stamina of kids my age and I was really too young to understand. Anyway, this last week hasn't been a good one, my heart is jumping around and it feels like I'm having palpiations or arrythmias. I don't know if it's my paranoid mind playing tricks on me or it's real.

On the otherhand some days I feel so good it's incredible. I feel like I never had OHS. MY adrenaline gets pumping and I get so excited thinking this is going to be the day that evrything changes and I'm going to be normal.

What is normal?????????

Looking for some people to share their stories:)
I do believe it is Mike. I think we all have "Our days". I try not to dwell on it any, but at times, when I try to do something I no longer can, I can't help but dwell on it.
Hi Mike,

I'm just over three weeks out from AVR and for the first time this weekend I felt somewhat "normal". I helped my wife with the shopping and house cleaning and laundry. I didn't get tired or need to take a nap. Last night I slept in bed for the first time rather than the recliner which had been less painful. Mentally I struggle, at times, with the ramifications of lifelong coumadin therapy, but if it gets me down I realize I'd be dead without it or the surgery.

Best wishes to you,

Mike, you can't be more that about 8 weeks out from surgery. Your heart is still touchy about being messed with. Enjoy your good days and relax through the bad ones. It's axiomatic that days when you feel great shortly after surgery allow you to overdo, and you pay the following day. The fact that you have days when you feel wonderful and like you haven't had ohs means you're looking at a lot of great ones to come.

Watch that depression; it's common after ohs and can be controlled chemically - many of us needed that help.
Good days and bad

Good days and bad


Like Rachael, I had to have a second surgery, but mine was 8 months after the first. Like her I had serious complications after my first surgery and almost died from an infection.:mad:

I'm now 4 months post op from my last surgery and it is taking time for me to recover. I am certainlly not able to run a half marathon, but then I never was and never will be . You sound normal. Give yourself time and take it one day at a time. Try to focus on the fact that you're alive!

Let's not forget all the fun anesthetics that are coming out of your system slowly! They will definitely affect your mood.
At 8 weeks post I was not happy. I had post surgical arrythmia,fatigue from blood loss (even though I got a transfusion 3 days after surgery) and genreal disappointment that I didn't feel "better" The problem was I felt fine before surgery. My heart boomed in my ear every time I laid down and my upper back hurt like hell. I was only able to walk/run about 20 minutes and was feeling generally weak.
That being said, 6 months later I did my first duathlon following heart surgery and every month it gets better! Hang in there, OHS is not for wimps!
Who needs roller coasters when you can have OHS.;) ;) ;)
Welcome to the ride of all rides. You will have those ups and downs for a little while yet. Try to focus on the highs as that is the energy you will eventually end up with full-time.
It will happen - believe it.
Are "Valvers" ever normal again?

Are "Valvers" ever normal again?

Many of us go into surgery actually feeling more normal than abnormal. I think we're all blessed that we have surgeons that had rather intervene early, than have permanent damage that can't be fixed later. Then when our surgery is over. we measure our improvements and compare our bad days to our good days, first week by week, then month by month, then hopefully year by year. I only made it 3 years before my repaired mitral valve failed, then needed replacing. The only way that I can deal with all this is to live one day at a time. However, I think we all need to be prepared and be ready and live each day as if it were our last. I understand your depression, but you have so much to be thankful for. Just look at what you've accomplished!
With each setback I have, I consider it an opportunity to push on-then, with each gradual improvement I make, I consider it a victory- just one more test that I've passed. I know there will be more, but with each victory, I grow stronger and prepared for the next hurdle. So hang in there Mike! I noticed that Dr. Pacifico did your last surgery- he did mine also. He's retiring, I'm sure you know, so I guess that means we were two of his last- What an honor!!:) :)
Hey Everybody thanks for the encouraging words. Don't get me wrong I have a very postive outlook on things, just somedays are worse/better than others. It was definetly, and still is, a life changing experience which makes me appreciate life. Everyday I wake up I think how good it feels to just to be alive :)

I've had to scale back my exercising for now since I think I was pushing it too much and having some palpitations. I was walking 5 miles a day, now I've backed off to 2 miles a day. I thought I was supposed to be going forward not backwards which was very discouraging to me. Feeling much better now though. Hopefully, I will start cardiac rehab soon.

Yes, Pacifico is a great surgeon, despite what some people said about bedside manners I thought he was very nice and cordial to me and my family. He is a very busy man saving people lives so he doesn't have much time for idle chit chat. I was very please with the service and care I recieved at UAB. I did schedule my surgery in time before he retires in June. I would highly recommend him to anybody.