What ,was I in the bathroom?????

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2005
Mtn Biker: I just saw on your last post to JaSon that you're getting fixed 7/20! When did this happen?? I know you saw a surgeon,but I guess I missed a thread somewhere. How are you with everything? I know you and your wife were scheduled to travel to see her family. I just hope all is well and you are good with your decision. You know you have all of our support and good energy !
Karlynn said:
When David means business, he doesn't mess around.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA actually I wish that was it. More like once we got the results of the CT scan and saw the size of the aneurysm it was an oh crap! Have to get fixed now!

We are still going to see my in laws, I am going for 12 days and my wife and kids are going for a month. I was going to be there for the month also but with the current situation neither my wife nor I felt comfortable being in another country in my condition.
Dave, I'm rooting for you.

Dave, I'm rooting for you.

OY, that was a TERRIBLE pun!
