What time of day to test? Does it matter?

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2008
Baltimore MD
I was wondering what time of day everyone tests, or what time would you recommend. I have always been testing in the morning, but with my work schedule, I would like to test in the evening. I also take my warfarin in the evening. I'm coming up on my first solo home test.
Coming from what I understand about coumadin (I'm not an actual patient) the best time to test is the morning after taking pills. Most people dose nightly but because coumadin's effects take awhile to be absorbed in the small intestine and actually start to "work."
I believe most people test in the morning, so they can check with their doctor about adjustments, and take meds in the evening. For those of us who self-manage, it doesn't matter, though it's best if you are consistent. It takes about 3 days for an adjustment to show up, if you were to retest.
It really makes no difference when you test, just so long as you test.

I test while I'm making my pot of coffee and taking my meds for the morning, but I've also forgotten and tested late in the evenings too.
I usually test during the morning. But sometimes I test at night. I take my warfarin at breakfast. I self-adjust my dosage, so there's no correlation between testing first, calling my doctor, getting adjustment directions and then taking my dose for the day and redoing my 7-day pill box.

Like Ross said, it doesn't really matter what time of day you test -- as long as you test.
Thanks for the excellent info, I really appreciate it. I think I'll do it all at once, in the evening. I take my meds around 8ish, then call the results.


Whenever you want!

I try to do it every Thursday morning before I go to work. It helps me to remember to do it if it's a part of my routine.

Coming from what I understand about coumadin (I'm not an actual patient) the best time to test is the morning after taking pills. Most people dose nightly but because coumadin's effects take awhile to be absorbed in the small intestine and actually start to "work."

The time of the test really doesn't matter, but you should test BEFORE you take the day's dosage - in case you need a dosage change downward. For those who have a clinic or dr managing their dosage the best time to test would be morning, and take the warfarin in the evening - after the manager has made the adjustments if needed. Self-dosers would be able to make those changes on the fly, so any time would be fine.

Okay, I just re-read Hemosense's post... I think you meant, take pills in the pm and test in the am....
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