Wed. the 15 of January

Valve Replacement Forums

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Well I am fours days out from surgery. Off to Seattle and Swedish Hospital on Tuesday and surgery on Wedensday. This site has been a godsend for me. Having the ability to read others questions has answered mine and knowing that all of you out there are behind me is wonderful. We sold our house over the holidays and moved into the new one yesterday. It was one hell of time but we did it. The whole time I kept talking to my heart telling it to," hang in there there is only one more box to carry". My surgeon said ,"no heavy lifting!" but you do what you have to do. Now it is just waiting out these final days. I will teach Valerie,my wife, how to post on this site and tell you that I climbed the mountain. Thanks to you all! Bob in Port Angeles, WA.
Hey Bob, wow, another valvie from washington state! It's beautiful over there in port angeles! Been over there 2 times. It's about a 2 hour drive from where I live. You have a long trip to seattle! That's a 4 hour drive if you go down through the hood canal bridge, down the tacoma narrows bridge, and up I-5 north to seattle! Wow, you must take the ferry! Do you have anyone who is available to keep us posted on how you are doing? Johnnie stephens, mainframe, and Jimeskimo all live in the area. We all had Dr. edward Verrier as our surgeon at the UWMC. I've never been to swedish, though, so I don't know too much about them, other than they have a good reputation. Actually, it was the date that your surgery is on that caught my eye, you will be having your surgery on my 5 year wedding anniversary! I will have you in my thoughts. Good luck!
Mornin, Bob. I recall your early post when all of the above had yet to come to pass and you were very anxious about all of it. Now that you are moved, the boxes lifted and all is well except that you have the last, and biggest, hurdle to clear, your mind must be much easier. We have you in our thoughts - and can you imagine the prayers and good wishes that have already gone out for you - not to mention the ones yet to come.

I wish you the very best in the next week; we are here to walk up that mountain with you and help you down to the other, good, side. May I wish you GODSPEED
Hi Bob

Hi Bob

Glad you got moved in..did you make a bed for yourself..sofa, chair, something low..lows of pillows..close to bathroom.. How about the dog. Did someone adopt it..Sounds like you are in the right frame of mind...Leave it to the doctors and nurses. You do your part when you come home..take pain meds before the pain and walk, walk, walk.. I will be away next week but good luck. Bonnie
Hi Bob

Good to hear that you got what needed to be done, done.
Take comfort in knowing that we'll all be here thinking and praying for you on surgery day. By all means, have someone post on your behalf and keep us updated. :)
hi bob!
glad that you got the move over with before the surgery; one less thing to worry aobut!
just wanted to wish you all the best on wed. and let you know that you will be in our thougths and prayers.
please do show your wife how to post so that she may let us know how things go.
be well, sylvia
Hi Bob,

Glad to hear that you are settled in. I will be thinking of you over the next few days as you prepare to climb the mountain. I'm sure you'll do just great! You and Valerie are both in my prayers!

Hi Bob!
I just wanted to let you know that you will be in my prayers. I am sure everything will go just fine. I hope Valerie will be able to let us all know how you are doing after your surgery. I know this time will be tough on her as well as on you. You both will be in my thoughts and prayers.
It must feel good to know that things are taken care of with the move. One less thing to be concerned about. Enjoy your new home and we will talk to you soon.

Take Care!
Bob, it is a scary time, but just try to relax and let God take care of things . You will do fine and feel so much better in a few weeks. God speed.
hey Bob, its the Bob from the other side (ram)

Glad to hear you got settled in, despite all the lifting.
Now that your relaxed, you just let the surgeons do their thing, as you said "you got to do what you got to do". Will be waiting to hear all your news in the future. Keep us posted--God be with you


All the best, we all pulling for you here.

God speed with recovery too,


My prayers will be with you and your wife during the stressful days ahead. I'm sure you will both do fine and I will look forward to seeing posts about your successful surgery and the start of your recovery period.

Ron K
Hi Bob and Valerie

Both Tyce and I will be wishing you our best for your successful surgery this week. I think if you can get through a move, you can get through anything, surgery included!!! Seriously, we will be thinking of and praying for you till we know you're home. Please have Valerie post as soon as possible.....I'll definitely be looking for it. It's not easy, but believe it when I say you've already been through the most difficult part. In a week you'll be home, albeit shaky, but home nonetheless, and this will all be behind you both.

Know that everyone here is thinking of you as you begin your trek up the mountain.


PS Where's the dog?????
Hi Bob

Hi Bob

I just wanted to let you know that you will be in my prayers for a great surgery and a wonderful speedly recovery. Take things easy afterwards and don't worry.My best wishes to Valerie too , this is a hard time for her ..but a supportive partner is the so wonderful we ought to award them a medal ...You take care both of you and do let us know how things are going .
Hi Bob and Valerie-

My best wishes for your upcoming surgery. You'll do fine, and Valerie, please post when you can and let us know how things went.

Take care, you have many, many friends rooting for you.