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Ross said:
Still in my target range! :D

I think that means 'female' and 'breathing' :p

And as the evening moves on i think it sounds like both of those become negotiable :D

I missed my christmas party this year as i was in having surgery but there are 600+ people at it and a lot of people make complete arse's of themselves which is hilarious to watch.....

As i'm on coudamin i'll be able to watch more closely next year while sipping my tonic water :rolleyes:

Could be a promotion in it if i catch the boss doing something dumb.
hensylee said:
My 'date' (you remember him?) told me he and his buddies in the service would shine their shoes really well, like a mirror, when they went to dances! So, it's really true.

Penny loafers `n` a mirror work better-----so I'm told. :p :D

Yew could always try da "Hind Lick" if`n they luk lik they aur chokin!!!!!

SLAP!!!!! Excuse me fer savin yore life!!!!

How about...........ummmmmmmmmmmm. No comment Ross. Let the imagination run WILD with it, lol. ;)

Happy Holidays!:D
Nancy said:
Let's talk about sex, trolls, curmudgeons, statistics (unproven), drinking and tissue versus mechanical valves. :D

Don't forget the devil coumadin!! LOL. Oh wait, it has it's own forum too!