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All I know is

All I know is

Ross you are such a bad boy!! Yes, I can picture you at our Christmas party - I would welcome you! I'm sure you would liven the place up a bit (major understatement). Although I work with the nicest people - they probably won't be the most fun group at a Christmas party, although I might be surprised (my first Christmas party with my employers). Let's hope so!

Christina L
Let's talk about sex, trolls, curmudgeons, statistics (unproven), drinking and tissue versus mechanical valves. :D
Nancy said:
Let's talk about sex, trolls, curmudgeons, statistics (unproven), drinking and tissue versus mechanical valves. :D
The first 3 are small talk, the rest must go to their proper forums. :cool:

Seriously though, we need to lighten up from time to time. Sometimes I think peoples analytical minds go into hyper drive and over analyze things. Some things need to just happen naturally, unexplained and with no scientific reason. You know, kind of like that first look at a person that suddenly interests you. :)
Now I know why our office party can no longer consist of alcohol. I thought it was just because we danced with the lampshade on our heads. I guess thats also why we had 2 divorces in our office shortly after the Christmas party. I guess I'm too old for office party sex.
"The first 3 are small talk, the rest must go to their proper forums."

Oh you micromanagers! Picky, picky, picky!!!
Ross - you sound a bit sexually frustrated??:eek: Will you attending any office Christmans parties?? After the year you have had, maybe you should search one out!!
I would invite you to mine but we don't have one. I work in a Catholic school. There would probably be enough alcohol to go around but we would keep our knickers up!:rolleyes:
My husband's business doesn't have Christmas parties. They do a big deal in the summer! And it may have ended up with unexpected pregnacies! Not with me however.
Well, I hope talking with us about this subject helps you out!!:D

Your family is still in my prayers, but now I will have to add another prayer for just you.:D
Ross said:
Still in my target range! :D

That one made me laugh out loud:p :p :p

And that reminds me Ross, most women like funny.
You might even call it motivating.;)
I don't get drunk at my office party because I do not find anyone at my office sexy and I wouldn't want to let alcohol change that viewpoint.;) :D ;)
"I work in a Catholic school. There would probably be enough alcohol to go around but we would keep our knickers up!"


Having been raised Catholic, might I suggest that you do not wear patent leather shoes to your party. If you don't get that one, you aren't old enough to remember that silly admonishment :p

Oh, and here's another one from old fashioned Health Class. "If you sit on anyone's lap, place a New York City telephone book on it first."

This thread is as good as watching "Boston Legal". Woo hoooooo!

However, I don't think I would care to see you in a Playboy Bunny Suit!


"We wish you a sexy Christmas.. we wish you a sexy Christmas..... " OH boy.... I could get in trouble if I keep ad-libbing this tune... probably banished from the site even...
My guess is that there is a secret star chamber that has banned you. Probably from looking at too many patent leather shoes.:D
Gina - you

Gina - you

are SO funny! And Rob - better than Boston Legal - too hysterical.

Ross, you are not missing much by not having been to an office Christmas party in years. They are not all they are cracked up to be. It seems as if every other office is having all the fun! :)

But thanks Ross for starting the thread - it IS nice to be talking about something funny (i.e. sex) again on VR.com.

Christina L
Ross said:
Christmas Parties lead to unprotected sex-discuss!

They DO?!?!?!?!


Sadly, there are no females in my office that I'd want to ... yeah....

Ross said:
How many of you are going to become pregnant this month?

Well, if I do, I'd be a very very very rich man ... and I could buy a house ... and I could make sure Chevrolet goes out of business .... I could buy the Chicago Cubs from that terrible Tribune Company ... I could quit my job ... I could travel all over the country ... and, most importantly, I'd FINALLY have females wanting me ... and I'd get some sex ... finally.


Gotta dream, I suppose.

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
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"Fire me up" ... Def Leopard ... 'Pour Some Sugar On Me'