Vision Problems

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Richie Rich

Well-known member
May 27, 2014
Nottingham, UK
Hi All,
For several years now I've had vision problems, mainly a small blank spot to the right of my central vision. The eye specialist I saw put this down to damage from the migraines I get & low blood pressure from my leaky aortic valve. Recently I've had further symptoms, lines of text look wavey & horizontal straight lines look bent. I've been back to my eye specialist for a full eye exam & he can't find a problem but he took photos which I've not had results from yet. My GP wants me to see my cardiologist in case it's related to my leaky valve can this be the case?
Although I can still carry on with life I'm worried about the long term effects on my vision, has anyone else suffered similar issues & was it related to BAV?
Thanks, Richie.
Sounds familiar, I've had a blank spot in my right eyes field of vision for as long as I remember although it's focus is just as good as my left. As the left eye fills in the blank it hasn't been a major issue . I've gotten migraines since I was around 12 with the pre migraine visual aura that reminds me of the blank spot . My vision has always returned to normal and I seem to remember a neurologist suggesting pressure during the migraine causes the aura and goes away without permanent damage. I could be wrong but I've never heard of migraines causing permanent eye damage. I was recently diagnosed with a mildly leaky BAV and as my blood pressure is fine I doubt it causes my blank spot, unless my valve has been leaking back as long as I can remember but who knows? I haven't been to the eye doctor in my adult life and I've never needed glasses but I have an appt for this friday . Lately I've noticed I've had more difficulty with fine print but that could be because I'm 45 and my eyes have always been light sensitive but seem worse now. I was wondering if that could be a side effect of the metoprolol.
I have read a study that correlates migraines with right-left circulation issues but not sure if vision is effected. My surgeon wants me to have a cardiac catheterization before my eventual surgery so I'm hoping that between that and the eye doctor some light will be shed on both the eyesight and the migraine front. I'm thinking positive that maybe there is nothing wrong with my eye itself ( or at least the blank spot won't get worse as it hasn't been an issue) and that my heart surgery will help both situations.
have you been tested for diabetes? Would not hurt for you to be checked. And it is not always the heart problems itself, but low blood pressure, migraines, and being untested for diabetes could be the culpretes. Please promise to get checked for diabetes, it can affect you vision. Promise? Thanks. Hugs for today. :)
I will ask you also, have you been tested for diabetes. You are never too young to have it and it can cause vision problems as well as migraines. Please get tested for diabetes to eliminate this possible problem. Thanks and hugs for today. :)
I've had recent blood work and urine tested and all my levels came back great. They were all donee during my physical in March but thanks for the suggestion I had that thought before also. I googled side effects for beta blockers and top of the list was blurred vision. I assume this could be caused by my blood pressure being low. It's always been normal but cardiologist wants to err on the side of caution due to my aneurysm and I understand that line of thinking but once I get the aneurysm taken care of I'd like to get off them as my BP is normally 120/80 or so but now it regularly hits 100/60 .