VBS Anyone???

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
Back in January when I had my MVR, I would have never thought that I would be able to be the director of this year's VBS- God is SO good to me. This type of work and preparation (and stress) is just what I needed.:eek: God is showing me that my health is improving each and every day and I thank Him soooo much for what He is doing in my life. This is just one of many ways that I can thank Him for pulling me through another surgery. Do we have any valvers involved in VBS? If so, I would like to know how you are doing in this wonderful ministry. Our church normally has from 125-150 children involved. We are doing the Arctic Edge theme and having a blast with making all the decorations. Your prayers would be appreciated for all the unchurched children - pray that VBS will touch their hearts and God will have His will in their lives. Thanks so much and may God bless you!!:)
I remember from years past how stressful..but rewarding VBS can be:)

I am just too soon post op to be involved with our this year ..
but I certainly wish you the best with your program! Don't take on more than you feel you can handle!!


Hi Blessed,

I am smack dab in the middle of it this week! I'm helping direct along with two other ladies, (I mostly just do what they tell me to do). Anyway, we are doing "Trading Places - Where Jesus makes a world of difference" so we're going around the world in five days! Talk about jet lag, whoa!:D

We had 56 kids yesterday and about 70 today. Everyday we tell them to bring a friend...and they do, so I don't know how many we'll have by the end of the week. VBS is fun to help out with...but can be exhausting!