Update On tenndon Part 3

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I just got off the phone with Don's wife. He went back in to surgery today around 1:30. They found that he had been coughing so hard that he pulled the wire though his breast bone. As of right now he is stable and on a ventilator in the ICU until tomorrow. Don really need our prayers.
Been praying all along but will kick it up a notch. I am sorry to hear he is still having problems.
Let's hope that this is the final fix for him. He has had such a rough time of it. He and his family will remain in my prayers.
Oh I am so sorry he is having all this trouble.

Heartfelt sympathies to his family/friends and prayers for Don.

All my best,
Goodness gracious. I'm sorry to hear that he's going back under the knife, but I suspected he would, what with the bleeding you mentioned. At least the bleeding is not from one of the many, many sutures that are now in his heart. Hopefully this will be a quick fix and he'll be on the high road from now on.