Update on my niece's condition

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2005
Alberta, Canada
Rachel is doing okay for the moment. She had a very stressful weekend because her gallbladder decided to act up. Probably because of the chemo and her recent pregnancy. She went completely jaundice and her belly swell to an enormous girth. She gained 8 kilo's (19 pounds) in one day of fluid. Today they had to go in and shunt a bile duct and drain the gallbladder despite they big risk of doing so because her platelets are critically low from the chemo and the leukemia. Thankfully she didn't bleed out. She is in a lot of pain but the hospital is really trying to keep her comfortable. Poor kid, she really is having a very tough time of it. She was so hoping for a day pass on Christmas Day, but the way things have been going it doesn't look like that will happen. She has a high fever and the hospital staff are hoping it is from the gallbladder disease, but they say that if she is still spiking a fever in a couple of days that they will look for a secondary source of the fever. Keep your fingers crossed. She now has no immune system. Her white count has been totally wiped out. Her hair is starting to fall out now too. and she has an all over rash from the chemo, plus she has bruises everywhere. On the bright side, baby Zachary is doing fine, he is getting cuter by the minute.

Rachel will continue to be in my prayers, along with the rest of your family. I put her on my church's prayer request list as well.
Thanks for the update, Char. I just ache for her. To be kept from the most natural bonding, new mother and child, and to have to be in so much pain instead. I'm so sorry. My best thoughts go out to you all.

This is so heartbreaking.......

This is so heartbreaking.......

Your niece is definitely in our prayers, too. I do hope the fever is from the gallbladder. Many hugs. J.
So sorry to hear all this,
Sending prayers, good wishes and positive thoughts for Rachel , Zachary and to you all
Very Best Wishes
Ernie Wendy & Fam

I am praying for your niece and your extended family.
My two nieces, their husbands and my nephew take the place of any children I might have had. One of my nieces is 25, pregnant for the first time, so I can put myself in your shoes right now.

Please give Zachary a Texas-sized hug for me.
Hang in there

Hang in there

I will continue to pray for your niece and your family. I have been frustrated with my own petty maladies but they are nothing compared to what she has gone through.
Bless her heart -

Bless her heart -

life is beyond understanding at times. :( She will be in my prayers as well as the whole family.

Christina L
Being thinking about & praying for

Being thinking about & praying for

your niece. I hope she is doing better this week! I'll have you all in my prayers during this difficult time. Cindy
She will be in my prayers as well. All of her problems sound pretty much par for the course. We just had a patient require gallbladder surgery post chemo, he's doing great now. He had a rough go of it with chemo but has come lightyears from where he was, so hang in there Rachel. It sounds like she has lots of love and support and as with our heart issues, having someone to lean on and fuss over you makes a big difference.
Just a quick update:

1st thanks for all your support and kind well wishes. Rachel is improving daily. She survived her first round of chemo and apparently they were successful in inducing remission. She starts her next round of chemo next week. Bad news, her right lung keeps filling up with fluid and they had to put a chest tube in to keep the fluid down and they may have to put another one in farther down in the lung cause she still has a large amount of fluid in her lung. ??? they checked her for lung cancer, thank god it came back negative, but they are now checking her for lymphoma, (lets pray she doesn't have that too) She was hoping to be able to go home for a week before her next round of chemo but chances are thats not gonna happen, especially if thay can't find out why her lungs are filling up with fluid. She got her bone marrow cytogenetic test back. She has Acute myeloidmonocytic leukemia Eo or in short AMML Eo with inversion of chrosome 16. Thats sub type M4 Eo. Prognosis is good. 50% to 70% good that she will remain in remission after full chemo treatments and perhaps a bone marrow transplant. She still has a long road ahead of her, thankfully at the moment she is coping. As for Zach, her newborn, he is doing great despite not being able to be with his mom every day.

Thanks again for the well wishes and I will post from time to time to let you all know how she is doing.

Thank you for the update. Rachel remains in my prayers and that of my church family.
Thanks for posting. We hope that the lung issue resolves and she gets a chance to go home for a while and our prayers are with all of your for a full remission!
Any news?

Any news?


I would like an update on how Rachel is doing. She has been in my thoughts and prayers. How is her little son? Please update when you have time. Thank you!
Another Update on Rachel.

Another Update on Rachel.

Rachel is doing ok. She just had her gallbladder out two days ago. She is in a lot of pain but the surgery went well. She gets to go home for a month to recooperate from her surgery then it is back to the hospital for another round of chemo. She was having aa tough time of things, lots of complications but hopefully now she is on the way to recovery. Baby Zach is doing good. He is growing like a bad weed. He is a very beautiful baby but very colicky. For the moment Rachel is in remission but the set back with her gallbladder is delaying her treatment with chemo. Hopefully she will stay in remission throughout this ordeal.

Thanks for the update. I've also been thinking about Rachel and wondering how she's doing. My best thoughts and prayers are with Rachel and your family. How fortunate Rachel and Zack are to have such support and love.
Thank you for the update. I hope things continue to improve. It is more than any one person should have to go through. I'm sure Zack misses his mother. Wouldn't it be lovely if the colic antidote were her being home for awhile! They need each other!!

Best wishes to your family.
