Update #3

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Another good day yesterday, Sunday. Julia is on solid foods, although I wonder if hospital food is ever edible. They had her walking around the halls at least 3-4 times and sitting up in bed most of the time.
All is going well......thanks again.

Sounds good

Sounds good

Maybe you could take her a nice sandwich..I only wanted cold juices...more important that she walk, walk, walk,,,Bonnie
I found that nothing had any real taste after surgery. Not even home cooked. Lyn did go out and get me a sandwich from Hardies one night, as the Doctor said he didn't care what I ate as long as I was putting on weight. Of course, I had a trach tube and that hindered eating. Once they removed it, taste or no taste, I started eating like a pig.

For the first few weeks, she may not want to eat much. That's just the way it works. Then one day, you'll think she's pregnant because she wants to eat all the time! ;)
Brent - Thanks for the update. I just read all the progress reports and it sounds like Julia is doing great. Please send her my congrats to her. Hope she gets home soon, maybe just a few more days. The aunt and kids will get tired of each other soon and mom will be a welcome sight. Continued good luck.
After my surgery, I didn't want to eat much at all that first week or so. I did drink alot of gingerale. That was all I wanted. Once I started to eat a little, I would fill up pretty quickly, then get hungry a short time later etc.....Then one day I just started pigging out on everything. I was hungry all the time. My poor little girl, I even bribed her for one of her cupcakes...lol!!! I had such a craving for a cupcake and had to have it. She made out in the end. I bought her a candy bar and a toy for that cupcake. Boy was it worth it. The best cupcake I ever had or at least if felt that way.

Take Care!
My family snuck in salt for me!

My family snuck in salt for me!

The only problem I had with the hospital food was that I was on the "salt-free" cardiac floor. I asked the nurse if there was any reason I couldn't have salt, since I didn't have a bypass, and have no problem with arteries being clogged etc. She said no, not really, and that if my family wanted to, they could bring me some. They brought me a handful of salt packets from McD's that I kept in my table.

I remember after the first few days of a salt-free diet, I was craving pretzels- I think my dh brought me a "Big & Tasty" from McDonalds along with french fries one night too! I don't think I get too carried away with salt, it's just that nothing seems to have any flavor at all to me without it.
My son and his wife brought me a big ole sandwich from one of those fancy places I had seen on TV - took me all day to finish it. They also brought sugarless chocolates - a great boost.

Sounds like Julia is making good progress - the walking is what is going to make a difference - and the breathing thingy is so important, too. Tell her hello and take it as easy as they will let her. Best to you, Brent, as well. God bless