Update #2

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Just to let everyone know that Julia has already been moved out of the SICU and up to a regular room on the third floor (Missouri Heart Institute).

All of the tubes are out of her chest and she was already sitting up in bed. Expect that tomorrow they will try moving her to a chair and or walking a little.

So far, everything is going great.

The kids are enjoying their time with my aunt Helga who drove up from Arkansas.

Again, thanks for all the prayers, notes, etc.

hi Brent

hi Brent

I am so glad to hear that things are going well ...there will be some ups and downs yet ..but Julia has made a good start on the way to good health again ..you take care of her and yourself ...it is such a stressful time for you too ...I hope the recovery continues to go well
love from Scotland
I clap 1000 times! That is great news. Let us know when she's walking all over the place.

Congratulations to Julia on her successful surgery, I'm glad to hear she's off to such a good start. I wish her the best for a speedy and uneventful recovery. Take care!
I'm so glad to hear that Julia is still continuing to do so well after surgery. It will get even better once she starts walking. She should also do that deep breathing. You don't always feel like it, but it really works. I'm continuing to pray for an uneventful recovery. Take Care of yourselves. Keep us informed.

Hi Brent and Julia

So VERY glad to hear how well it's going.....remember our motto, WALK, WALK, WALK, BREATHE, BREATHE, BREATHE, NAP, NAP, NAP....and that last part means you, too......

God is good.

Great News!

Great News!

Good for Julia!
I tried to send a message to you earlier, before your surgery, but I somehow ended up deleting it instead of posting it or something. It was rather long, and I just didn't feel like redoing it at the time.

Anyway, I went through mitral valve repair surgery in May (no bypass though), and am doing just fine, just over 5 months later- so even though she'll go through some rough times, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

If you have any questions about recovery, just ask! We're here to help.