Unplugged and back in action

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2006
New Orleans, LA
After 58 days of successful antibiotic treatment for endocarditis I have been given the two thumbs up, had the PICC line removed and went for a short run. It felt great to run again. I have lost a lot of the fitness that I had gained post-op and gained a few pounds while on the sofa but I escaped unscathed! Now it is time to get in shape and ready for the marathon relay. As I was about to start my run today my wife arrived with our two sons, seeing me in running cloths and no IV pump they bounded out of the car like puppies screaming "dads unplugged!" and ran into my arms. It is great to be a dad! My wife was almost as equally enthusiastic. Both sons joined me on my run; the 7 year old ran 2 miles with me, a new distance PB for him. Speaking of my wife tomorrow will be our 16th wedding anniversary; I think I will keep her.
It feels great to be able to workout again.
Good for you Philip. Glad you're able to hit the pavement again. The last run I did pre-surgery was on Labor Day and I ran it with my daughter, who does not like to run. The last time I ran with here was probably 20 years or more ago when she trained for a 5K. I wish both my kids or even grandkids were more enthusiastic about running because I'd love to run with them anytime.
So now that your back on the road to fitness, what's your plans and goals?
Hi Philip,

I was so glad to see your post. I've been wondering how you were coming along. This is such great news.... you were able to "stare down the beast".
Continued success to you and enjoy being "unplugged" (too cute:D )
Philip said:
It is great to be a dad!

Never a truer word has been spoken :)

Hope you don't mind me asking again rather than searching for a previous post but what was the cause of your endocarditis?

I've just been given the scary treatment from my surgeon about taking AB's before dental etc (which i always do anyway) but i'd be interested if it was a non-dental infection....
Great news, Philip!

I was shocked to learn you had endocarditis after you'd started making such a great recovery from surgery. I am glad to learn you are out of the woods and I hope this is now permanently behind you. Enjoy your rebuilt engine and your family!
Magic8Ball said:
Never a truer word has been spoken :)

Hope you don't mind me asking again rather than searching for a previous post but what was the cause of your endocarditis?

I've just been given the scary treatment from my surgeon about taking AB's before dental etc (which i always do anyway) but i'd be interested if it was a non-dental infection....

I'm filling in time waiting to pick up my husband from work so went back through and found Philip's original post for you :). And Phillip - great news to hear you are finally free from your IV and feeling so much better!!


My bacteria now has a name: "propionibacterium acnes" commonly found on the skin. The assumed point of entry is a small cut or scratch. It has been months since I had either that I was aware of.
I mentioned to the cardiologist on a routine visit that I had low intermittent fever so it was off to the lab. I was surprised when the cultures came back positive. The scary part of all this is that the fever subsided prior to the start of antibiotic treatment and not being the type to go to the doctor for little things this would be growing untreated if I had not been in for a 6 month visit. My radar has now been re-tuned.
I will take it very slow on the exercise until cardiology instructs me otherwise. I don't feel like working-out hard but I feel well enough to do something. Exercise for me has always been something that you do daily, a part of your routine like brushing your teeth instead of something that you fit into your schedule if you can.
Thanks again for all your replies.
Great news, Phil - enjoy the run, the good health, the wife and the children!
Great news!
You go guy!
I started back at the pool this week; I managed to get five days in, and my outlook on life is so much better!
Once again, congratulations!


*Im delighted to hear your wonderful news Phil. Long may it last...the worst is behind you now, and the best to come. :cool:...Jacqui.
Philip said:
As I was about to start my run today my wife arrived with our two sons, seeing me in running clothes and no IV pump they bounded out of the car like puppies screaming "dads unplugged!" and ran into my arms. It is great to be a dad! Philip

Sounds like a Kodak moment that will be forever burned in your memory!! I'm sure you're indescribably glad that that personal marathon is OVER!!

Wishing you the best of health now as you make the very best of 2007!

:D Marguerite
Congratulations! I can't wait to get back running, after surgery. Yes, I can still remember those runs with my kids....great memories. Although mine have all grown and left home, out of state, 2 still run. You may not realize it now, but you are makeing a life long impression on them to work out....
Thanks for all the replies and joining in my celebration. You listened to me complain about life in the waiting room and the slow pace of recovery so I wanted to share the good news as well.

Kodi: Although I am a very goal orientated person I honestly have not given it much thought. I am using the VR.com marathon relay as motivation in my running and I will continue to push at the edge of my athletic envelope in all sports; it is the only way I know how to train. A worthy goal for me is to learn to be a bit more patient with progress and accepting the size of the envelope.

I will resume martial arts training next week. I had only recently returned to the dojang before the endocarditis sent me to the sofa.

Aussiemember: Thanks for responding to Magic with a copy of my previous post.

Back to the marathon relay: Where is team number 2? For those that can’t or don’t run, we need crowd support. I have a mental picture of the VR.com wave. Think of it as a reunion and come join us.
