Two best friends during recovery

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Coach Kilby

Jan 13, 2014
Apex, NC
Aside from the experiences that everyone goes through, I found two things that were very helpful during my recovery.

1. Lazy Boy Recliner
When I first got home I could not lie flat without great uneasiness and discomfort. I am normally a stomach/side sleeper. No matter how many pillows I would try to position in the bed I could not find a position of comfort. The Lazy Boy was a sleep saver! And I found sleep to be of utmost importance. I slept in that recliner for 5 weeks. Did not get back in the bed until week 6, but it did feel good when I got there!

2. Incision Shield
I found this little deal to be a great asset. Not sure how much protection it actually offers, but it definitely gave me peace of mind. It kept clothing and seatbelts from rubbing on my incision, which added to my comfort. Worth the money.
+1 for the recliner! I lucked out and managed to find an electric lift recliner for a low price. I really only needed the electric part for the first week home. After that, I managed with my regular 30 yr old lazyboy. My old one was much more comfortable than the electric one.

My other best friend was my tablet computer. It's small enough to sit in my lap
For me it was reading glasses. My near vision is crappy still, after five weeks. I'm not on Metoprolol anymore, so I'm blaming it on Amiodarone. It seems kind of sudden to be my old age! :rolleyes2:
My best friend was my sofa, I slept reclining on it for the first six weeks, but like Coach Kilby, it was bliss when I was able to lie down in bed.

And my best, really BEST friend, was my hubby who looked after me, made me food when I couldn't cook, took me to the doctor's a number of times when I needed to go, and put up with me being in pain when I was no good for anyone.
For me it was reading glasses. My near vision is crappy still, after five weeks. I'm not on Metoprolol anymore, so I'm blaming it on Amiodarone. It seems kind of sudden to be my old age! :rolleyes2:

My near vision is still a good bit worse than it used to be but it varies , medium and long distance seem fine. I'm blaming the metoprolol and being 45.
First BFF My mom who's been driving me to all the Dr. and Coumadin clinic appointments (9 weeks postop and STILL not cleared to drive), cooking most meals, and keeping the house clean. She lives with us and has been a God Send! I took her in 3 years ago as a favor to her and my sisters little realizing how much she'd help me! We LOVE having her in the family.

Second BFF. My Ipad. Kept me occupied with NetFlix reruns of Star Trek Voyager and Greys Anatomy, helping me stay in loop and informed on this forum. Provides night time reading material all those times I couldn't sleep because I slept too much during the day. Let's me look up K information about food I eat on my Vit K app. All around invaluable tool.

Good recovery to all us out there now on the other side of OHS.

And my best, really BEST friend, was my hubby who looked after me, made me food when I couldn't cook, took me to the doctor's a number of times when I needed to go, and put up with me being in pain when I was no good for anyone.

I'll have to follow Paleogirl's prompt - my best friend was my wife for basically the same reasons. She took time off work, made me food, helped me get as comfortable as she could, got my coaching friends to visit when I was feeling low, etc, etc, etc
Oh yeah, my husband was wonderful. (Is wonderful!) For a guy who gets woozy at the sight of a needle and was nervous when I had my TEE, he handled everything like an old pro. He was worried about seeing me on the ventilator, but later said he was amazed at how good I looked coming out of surgery. My sister was impressed at how attentive he was during the hospital stay. His support really helped me feel safe when I was scared. That's priceless.

(As for the glasses thing, I could always read menus without any problem until last week. Today I get to stop taking Amiodarone, so hopefully my vision will go back to normal!)
One more vote for the wife has been an amazing chef, chauffeur, lifter, opener, bringer...etc.

Number two would be Netfix....its amazing how much good stuff there is to watch on there when you have the time to look through it all.