Too soon?

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Only 9 days post op and I am getting major cabin fever. Went out yesterday for some pizza, and today, needed to get moving so I walked on my treadmill for 30 minutes at a comfortable pace. I definitely did not push. My dr said I had no restrictions up until 2 weeks until driving so I guess the walking is alright???? I just can't lay around in bed anymore, I'm getting so antsy!


3/9/09 MV Repair by Heart Port UPenn Presby
Hi, Linda! I'm so glad to hear how well you're feeling!

Walking is a GOOD thing! Do as much of it as you feel like, but, as you said, don't PUSH it.

One key is doing things or walking places where you can sit down and take a rest, or cut the walk/activity short, if you need to do so. Obviously going out on a long walk you feel up to at the beginning isn't a good thing if you can't get back home once you're at the half way point! :)

Don't be afraid to rest/nap whenever you feel like it. It'll keep your strength up for the next walk.
Yes - walk! I remember when I was in the hospital in 1976, the OHS patients would stay for 2 weeks after surgery. Until they had walked a certain number of laps around the hospital corridors, the doctors didn't consider them ready for discharge. Don't push it, of course, but as long as you feel good, do as much as you can.

Did you say the doctors said you could drive after 2 weeks? I had to wait 5 weeks. Guess that's a major difference between the heart port and the full sternum split I had. Lucky! That was what really caused me to feel claustrophobic - having to wait for somebody to take me away from my house!
I will be 4 weeks post op this coming Wednesday. I have been walking every day, extending my walks every 3 or 4 days. I am ready to get back on my home exercise equipment and start cardio rehab. I see my surgeon tomorrow so I should be able to get the cardio rehab started this week.