tlhudson's surgery tomorrow

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
OK Ter-

Tomorrow is your BIG day. I want to wish you all the best for your surgery and recovery. You'll do just fine and I hope someone can post and let us know how things went.

You'll be up and around in a couple of days, and probably be home within a week.

So, talk to you later.

Bon Voyage and smooth sailing!
Likewise, my thoughts and prayers are with you for a full, uneventful and speedy recovery. :)
I just wanted to wish you good luck with your surgery tomorrow. Everything will go just fine. I pray you have a very uneventful and speedy recovery. Keep us informed if you can and/or have someone else let us know how you are doing. We are all here for any support you may need afterwards.

Take Care!
I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

My wife, Chris E., will post and let all know how things turned out.

As I've seen you all say on different post.... See you on the other side of the mountain.

Are you all sure I can't get my ticket back for this ride???:) :)
No Ter-

It's like childbirth. You'll be reborn with a brand new heart! One way ticket, this train is on the track.
Are you all sure I can't get my ticket back for this ride???
Well you can, but I really don't think it would be a good idea. You may not get another chance to purchase a ticket!;)

Let me also wish you the best tomorrow. I am sure you will be fine and back home in less than a week. It really is amazing what they can do.

Keep us posted

Ter - we are going right along with you in prayer for your success and full quick recovery.

And, Chris E. - I will be thinking of you, as well. He's going to be fine - you will, too. We will be here waiting for you - and will leave the light on for ya.

Best of luck to both of you, Ter and Chris E.

It seems the family goes through an awful lot more suffering at this time. Anxiey, fear, helplessness and the unknown. They don't have the benefit of professional care and great drugs.

We know Ter will be fine and begin recovery, but Chris you be sure to take good care of yourself also. Log in here and talk to those who have been through all this as spouses. Who knows how Nancy has kept it all toghether. Just a special lady, I am sure. Hang in there, we all care and want to be of help

Let us know.

Ter & Chris E

I just wanted to add my well wishes & prayers to you both. Hope to hear from you soon!
