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Well-known member
May 29, 2002
Sarasota, Fl
I have a question.
I am in the waiting room...for almost two years.
I had my last echo last April. It showed .8 with
severe stenosis. They told me they thought it had
been this way for a long time and could stay that way for
a long time. Anyway, lately, I am very tired. I am not short of
breath, but want to sleep 10 hours and have trouble getting up even then. Could this be symptoms? Should I be calling the
doctor instead of you guys?
Also, have a sort of light headedness at times.
Thanks for any answers.


Before my mitral valve was replaced, I could have slept 10 hours and still be tired. It seemed that I got tired doing anything. This could be a sign but some medications do this also like beta blockers. You might want to get checked out by a cardiologist.
I think it's time for you to get pushy. Make your doctors prove to you that you don't need the surgery - those symptoms are something you shouldn't have to live with, and can definately be signs that something needs to be done.

According to my docs 1.0 or below is time to get it done, especially if you are having symptoms. Tiredness was definately my main symptom. My husband complained about how tired I was for a year before my valve replacement. I would look into getting the surgery done before you run into other problems.

When I hit .8 the doc said it's time to replace the valve.

I know there are other issues that dictate when you should get this fixed but I agree with others that it's time to get some good old fashioned straight talk with the Cardiologist.

I just posted almost the exact same question in the other forum. I was originally going to have my surgery in November 03, but my surgeon thought my heart would probably be OK for up to another 12 months and recommended I put up with the symptoms for as long as I could.

I'll be seeing the cardio in February and will be looking to schedule surgery for May/June (..once the temperature drops a little..) because I'm pretty much over feeling continually exhausted - not to mention all the other associated symptoms (shortness of breath, dizziness, tingly toes and fingers because of crap circulation...).

BTW - what does the ".8" number relate to (which obviously changes for each individual)? There's so many different readings in these reports that I don't know what the heck I should be looking at!!

Anna : )

Sorry about the .8. I have Aortic Stenosis. The .8 is the current size of the opening of the valve. Normal would be 2.0 centimeters. Ususally, .8 is considered severe stenosis.
I will be seeing the cardio soon.

A-HA!! It's still good to know what all the techo jargon means though (..and the "Medical Terminology 101" was a hoot!!..). I find I leave the cardio's office with all the info in my head and "full bottle" on everything, and a day later I've got no idea again!! I guess it's not just the heart with the holes in it!! ha ha ha...

Anna : )
Hi Karen,
I agree that you should get little pushy and make sure you know all the facts. My Aortic Stenosis problem has recently bee repaired and prior to that I would come home at night and be asleep by 8 or 9 pm. I also had some dizzines, and some shortness of breath.
My understanding is oe of the deciding factors, agreed upon by most doctors is that when symptoms appear it is probably time to get something done. Too much procrastination can cause more damage.