Tips for bleeding

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
this is too funny...Yesterday..around 2 P.M .I picked a small and I mean small scab off my right arm down between elbow and hand..Probably a small dog scratch? he loves sitting on me in car.......:D I noticed that it kelp bleeding.....Like a pool of blood. I put a bandage on it..kelp a small pool of I put 2 large bandages on it..Went to bed..woke up this morning..:eek: :eek: Both were soaked with I came up and goolgle..bleeding..first..they all said...Cayenne pepper to put on wound..(google that folks)Cayenne pepper is great for everything.. :D Cayenne pepper..then kelp reading and found someone said..Put Geranium leaves on the wound...I have a plant and thought..wht the I did it.....Crushed some leaves..put on bandage..and low and behold..No more bleeding..:D Kelp it on underneath bandages for 5 hours. Snuck a look .as I had noticed no bleeding thru bandaids.. like I had yesterday..and last night..the little pin-point was clear as a bell.:D No bleeding..Crazy..:p My skin is thin and I noticed that Hubby's arm had a huge vein running down the middle.. I am thinking that little scab was right in the middle..where I scratched..on top of a vein?......I took my was 3.5................So.I am going to buy some Cayenne pepper..:D for future bleeds. :p Bonnie
I am using all my blood, but surely we can gather up some somewhere?

Last time this happened, Bonnie, I told you to quit doing that. Am I going to have to come up there?
A trick I learned to help stop bleeding is to spray the spot with nasal decongestant, like Afrin or something. I use a generic CVS brand. It causes the blood vessels to constrict and helps to stop the flow of blood.

Too funny again...went down to mail my check to Hank for VR.Com shirt..and cut the outside of my right leg on &%$* car door..raining and I was too much of a edge at bottom of car door. so came home and picked some more gerinum leaves...:D ......Bonnie
Watch out folks, first it's Karlynn stabbing herself to see blood, now it Bon taking a liking to the site of it too. :eek:
Styptic Pencil

Styptic Pencil

I'm going to date myself here. Barbers used to take a straight razor to trim around the ears and nape of the neck. Sometimes they would nick the customer and then they would use what is known as a "styptic pencil" to stop the bleeding. Basically its a white substance sort of in the shape of a pencil. Some drugstores may still carry them. It will only work on small nicks, and it may sting a little when applied. You just take the tip of the styptic pencil and touch it to the nick, and it will help stop the bleeding.
dtread said:
I'm going to date myself here. Barbers used to take a straight razor to trim around the ears and nape of the neck. Sometimes they would nick the customer and then they would use what is known as a "styptic pencil" to stop the bleeding. Basically its a white substance sort of in the shape of a pencil. Some drugstores may still carry them. It will only work on small nicks, and it may sting a little when applied. You just take the tip of the styptic pencil and touch it to the nick, and it will help stop the bleeding.

Hold on there!! You ain't that old!!! I remember those and yes they do sting. I used the styptic powder untill I found out about the nose spray!!
you mean they don't make styptic pencils anymore? Well, it's been a long time since a man lived here. I can't keep up on guy stuff anymore - except looking at them.

Bonnie, either you better go to the store for pepper or be sure to water the geraniums. At this rate, your plants will be leafless soon. :D

And get a supply of bandaids.
I meant to post that yesterday..I did go to drugstore to see if they had the gel, ect...(clot packages) things that I had read when I gooled ..bleeding that one can order off the internet...Pharmacist said to look in the shaving section?there was 1 styptic pencil left...:p I did buy it..and today..when I got out at P.O. and cut (more like a scrape)..I grabbed it..I had already read to wet the tip...wiped it on wet car (raining) and stuck it on cut..Burned like %&#&...:eek: Just came home (5 minutes) and wiped it and grabbed the Geranium leaves..held them on it with bandaid for an hour..did the trick...BUT..I still think it would not have bled as much as the pin-hole over my vein...Now, I do have a bandaid on it... not bleeding..but it is summer and I am sure I would hit it on something...(wearing shorts,capris)..Glad to hear others home-remedies. :D I read cob-webs are good.But, from what I read the most suggestion was for ceyenne pepper?I read where 1 doctor always had it with him..going to treat a heart-attack victom ..Would mix it with warm water and give to the person...and they would be up and walking around soon?Google ceyenne pepper..many called it the wonder drug..Good for all kinds of ailments..:) Bonnie
Is cayenne pepper the hot one? Mother never used pepper at all (being English and bland food is their way) and so I don't nor do my children. We have some in the cabinet but it's black pepper.
Cayenne pepper....very pungent red pepper...Hubby used to make a big pot of homemade chiilii years ago..He used it in the recipe....Bonnie
hensylee said:
Is cayenne pepper the hot one? Mother never used pepper at all (being English and bland food is their way) and so I don't nor do my children. We have some in the cabinet but it's black pepper.
4 alarm red pepper. Yeap, it's hot alright.
Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper

I have the book..Chicken Soup and other Folk Remedies. Turned to Cayenne pepper........aching feet..baldness prevention..bleeding..blood-circulation..cold-feet..cough remedy..fatigue..fever..hangover .IMPOTENCE :D menstrual, sore -throat(had read that years ago)toothache..all these were remedies......:p Maybe we should throw out all our OTC drugs and buy CAYENNE PEPPER..:D Bonnie
Bonnie, I'm off to the supermarket to buy some cayenne pepper and then to the garden shop to get me a geranium plant, that way i'll be prepared when i come home from hospital ..... Mary