Tingling in hands and feet

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Shortly after this past Thanksgiving, I started to have tingling feelings in my hands and feet. I have never had that in the past. I saw my primary care doctor?s PA. a few days later. My biggest concern was suddenly getting diabetes. The PA did not think I had enough symptoms for it but ordered a blood test and also a nerve study. The PA asked me when was the last time I saw my cardiologist. I last saw him this past August.

The blood test showed no diabetes. However, yesterday I finally found out the results of the nerve study. The tests showed I have neuropathy. My primary care doctor is referring me to a neurologist We are now in the process of trying to get a approval from the insurance company and then try to get an appointment.

Karl I can sympathize with you. Ever since I had the Cellulitis in my foot, I've had persistent pain in both feet. They thought it would resolve, but now, it looks like not. I can't stand to be on them terribly long.
Other than the tingling feeling, so far I am not having any pain with it. It just feels kind of weird. It is getting more and more frequent. It will be interesting to see what the neurologist says about it.

Hi Karl

Have you recently started taking a statin (eg lipitor)? Peripheral neuropathy is a rare, but known, side effect. Here are the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy from a WebMD page:

? A tingling sensation in the toes or in the balls of the feet that eventually spreads up the legs toward the trunk. Less commonly, the sensation may begin in the hands and spread up the arms.
? Numbness in the hands and feet that spreads up the arms and legs.
? Weakness or heaviness in muscles throughout the body. This may be accompanied by cramping, especially in the feet, legs, and hands.
? Sensitive skin that may be painful to the touch. Prickling, burning, tingling, or sharp stabbing sensations may occur spontaneously and usually worsen at night.
? A foot-drop walking gait and/or problems with balance or coordination

My neurologist is pretty well convinced that a statin was the trigger for my neuropathy. If this is the case for you, you are lucky to catch it early. You might have a complete recovery. I ignored my symptoms for too long, and the neuropathy will probably be permanent for me.

Good luck
Have you had your

Have you had your

thryoid functions tested? Tingling in the hands and feet is a symptom of hypothyroidism and hypothryoidism is very prevalent in people with heart problems.

Christina L
DuchessBear said:
Have you recently started taking a statin (eg lipitor)? Peripheral neuropathy is a rare, but known, side effect.


No, I have been on Zocor for a little over three years. This past Aug, my dosage was increased from 5mg/day to 10mg/.

Christiana L said:
thryoid functions tested? Tingling in the hands and feet is a symptom of hypothyroidism and hypothryoidism is very prevalent in people with heart problems.


Thank you for the suggestion :). No, I have not had any thyroid function tests. As soon as my referral is approved, I will try to make and appointment with Dr. Berger at the University of Florida at Shands Jacksonville. He is the only neuropathy specialist in Jacksonville and is on my insurance. This is certainly one thing we will bring up with him when I can get an appointment. With the holidays, it will probably be after the first of the new year before I can get through to the office to even make an appt.

Even within the past day or so I have noticed the tingling is beginning to spread from my fingers to other parts of my hands and from my toes to the other parts of my feet. So far I am not having any pain associated with it.

This is also a recognized side-effect of some beta blockers, particularly Atenolol.

I hope it's not a true neuropathy,a nd that you find some relief.

Best wishes,
The only medications I am on are Zocor,Welbutrin and of course Coumadin. I am also taking fish oil.
