Three Surprising Studies on Exercise Restriction and an Exercise Sweet Spot

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tom in MO

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
This is a commentary about 3 studies concerning people with heart problems, exercise and restrictions.:

Three Surprising Studies on Exercise Restriction and an Exercise Sweet Spot​

It's located here: Three Surprising Studies on Exercise Restriction and an Exercise Sweet Spot

It's not specific to valve disease, but still interesting. As a commentary there are opinions, the closing paragraphs state:

The number of lifelong high-level, middle-aged endurance athletes that cite heart health reasons for their affliction is…almost zero. Nearly everyone I have met in the endurance sport fraternity harbors no notion that racing a bike or running multiple marathons per year is a healthy endeavor.
Paternalism, therefore, would also fall in the realm of limiting lifelong exercise in addicted middle-aged athletes.
Via email, sports cardiologist Michael Emery, MD, reiterated the main immediate message from Masters@Heart: "Exercise does not make you immune from heart disease (which is a message a lot of athletes need to hear honestly)."
I for one cannot give up on endurance exercise. I won't likely race anymore but I am like the lab rat who needs to run on the wheel. Whether this affects my coronary plaque burden matters not to me.