Those of you with young kids, question

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2008
Westborough, Mass.
When were you able to lift and take care of your kids alone? I babysit my 1 year old niece and 2 year old twins. I was hoping for the 6 week mark but hubby is pesimistic (as usual). this is my job so if you can go back to work after 6 weeks usually than I hope this will do it. Can you tell how bored I am? I just keep coming up with question of the day....Thanks Louanne
Hi Louanne,
My kids were 4 and 6 when I had both of my surgeries.. My little one was still wanting me to pick her up, but I didn't for a long time (of course, she was old enough to where I didn't have to and she was able to understand why). I would ask your dr., as I know there are restrictions on how much you can lift by a certain time, and it could depend on how much the children weigh. In my own personal opinion I would put it off as long as you can, or limit it to only necessary lifting. Even though my youngest is now a big 6, I still like to pick her up, just because now I am strong enough to do so, and she gets a kick out of it - still making up for lost time!
My children were abot the same age as Halley's when I had my replacement. Personal opinion - at 6 weeks, I wouldn't risk it. The biggest problem is your healing sternum. If you think about it, people who break a long bone are casted for at least 6 weeks. You don't want to do anything to mess up your healing sternum.
I wouldn't risk jeopardizing your best possible healing. A few weeks wait can make a difference in how that sternum feels for the rest of your life. To rush a few weeks is too high a (potential) price to pay IMO. I was very cautious both times and still while my sternum healed fine my first surgery, I had pain from it four years later going into my second surgery. My surgeon was wonderful and was so very careful the second time to be certain he did everything possible for me to be pain free this time and I am just about that.

The difference in my comfort and quality of life is remarkable.

Don't risk it.