Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
Does anyone else have T.O.S. as a result of their heart surgery?
I thought that I was dying last night, ended up in the ER. I have had some pain in my left arm before and had noticed that it also was always cold, just thought it was an overactive imagination. I went to sleep and laid on my left arm, bad idea, I woke up with my whole arm aching and when it had not stopped by midnight, i went to the ER.

Fortunately I knew the ER doc he goes to my grandmother's church. He did not think I was crazy, and when he did not find a pulse in my left arm he told me I have Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.

Apparently a little physical therapy will help improve blood flow and get the pulse to return. I start that tomorrow. My old college chem lab partner is going to be my physical therapist. He will never let me forget setting our station on fire in lab one evening, so this should at least be interesting.



Is there no end to the icky after-effects, side-effects, etc etc????

Hope your PT goes well. I know how much it can help the circulation - I have one arm where there were no good veins due to lymph node removal for 13 years; after one month of cardiac rehab those veins came to life after all this time and I can use them for blood draws. It's a miracle!

Good luck, Letittia; I'm glad the arm pain didn't portent anything more serious.