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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2005
Lebanon, Kentucky
I had a valve replacement in August 2004 and somehow I just today came across the site. I have learned more in the last hour than I have since August. I am looking forward to being active on this forum.....
Hello hayden and welcome to our humble home (Or insane asylum?) whichever you prefer.

I'm the biggest lunatic in here so far, so if your slightly left of center, walk tilted, or are just plain silly, you'll fit right in. ;)
Welcome Hayden.

The one nice thing about this site is it is just as important for it to find members to help others as it is for others to find us members to help them.

I wish I had someplace like this to visit when I had my surgeries but I muddled through without it. It's nice to be able to assist the searchers out there looking for guidance.

I hope you will be active and look forward to your posts.
thanks all, I thought I WAS THE ONLY ONE that was having all these problems and questions. I wish my spouse had access to this earlier, maybe it would have helped her to undertand what is/was going on with me......Most people don't (and I didn't) have a clue about this surgery and the re-covering......
You are 100% correct. Unless they've had this surgery, there is no way no matter how hard they try that they can understand!

Some even treat it as though you just had your appendix removed or something. God if only they knew.
Welcome Hayden! Consider yourself lucky. I went 11 years without this site after my valve replacement. I was having INR troubles and did a search on the web. A post from here popped up and the rest is history. There is nothing like the feeling of knowing there are others that understand. One of the huge benefits is our member Al Lodwick. I encourage you to visit his site and learn about him. His knowledge on warfarin management will make your life so much easier.


Hi Hayden, I was blessed to find this site about 2 weeks after finding out that I needed surgery. I just kinda stumbled across it and I can not describe how much it has meant to me. My surgery is next week the 23rd. I am the type of person that researches any big purchase to the point of going overboard. The valve selection thing had me in quite a quandry. With the assistance of this site and the fine people that keep it going, I was able to obtain enough info. to help me make my decision and be content with it. Also, I have had many, many of my pre-surgery questions answered by reading previous threads. During my waiting period I have spent alot of time in my workshop, when I come in the house usually the first thing I do is jump on the net for a few minutes to see what is going on in valve replacement land. To me it is like having a group of caring and informed friends right in the room with you. Glad to have you onboard, I'm sure your experiences and insights will be very helpful to fellow travelers such as myself. God Bless Charlie B
Hi and welcome to this forum. It is nice to have both you and Charlie as new members. This forum has become a part of my life and the members here are very special to me. My husband and sons frequently ask me how people are doing here and even sometimes even visit the site to check on things. I know how stressful the time was before my surgery and how I benefited from being in contact with people who really could relate and so willingly shared of themselves to me. I know I am a more informed, confident valve recipient and coumadin user because of this wonderful place. It sure is nice to know so many other people who understand some of the "quirky" things that sometimes are common in our lives.