This is a legitimate RANT!!!

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Hi everyone!
How much is enough? I went to see my pcp Thursday because I have had diarrhea for about a week and a half and then got the lovely coffee-ground vomiting (which is a rare side-effect of Gleevec). He poked, he prodded, he sent me for blood work and to set up a CT for the next day. Told me to return to his office after all of this.... when I got there he grabbed my hand and off we went to the surgeon's office. He prodded, he poked, he sent me for new blood tests. They now suspect that I have an ulcer and possibly H. Pylori bacteria to boot! Have an appt. with surgeon on Tuesday for possible scope.

Ever since the CT scan I have had the worst cravings for things that I may no longer be able to have.... so I indulged.. too much as it turns out! I now feel really bad. I feel like a gremlin is kicking my liver, spleen and appendix! Here it is 1:30 and I cannot sleep despite the sleeping pill I took. :>(

But hey! My heart feels great!!! But now even my mastectomy site has decided to start hurting.

Don't know about you all... but I am asking Santa for a new body for Christmas!!!! Maybe a newer model... let's see like Cameron Diaz maybe! HA HA HA!!!!!

Just a little griping.... but I'M MUCH BETTER NOW!!! LOL

Take care,

Oh yeah... before the CT the tech started (or tried) an IV for the contrast dye.... the stupid vein blew!!! So now I have a huge lump there and will have the most beautiful color there tomorrow. Oh well... guess it will match my purple nails!!!
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It was a legitimate rant if anything...

It was a legitimate rant if anything...

Hey Zazz!

Sounds like you had the kind of day that I had with my myocardial biopsy on Wednesday with the stupid doctor missing the neckvein twice... I think my neck would match your arms or wherever the vein is which blew...

Take care of yourself!


Hi Zazzy

Hi Zazzy

Hi Zazzy-

What a day, huh? Well, help is available. Joe had a small ulcer and H. Pylori a couple of years back. He was scoped, and was asleep the whole time. They gave him some antibiotic and put him on Prevacid. No more gastro problemos from the ulcer anyway.

Good luck.
Well, gollllleee, Zazzy. If I'd known you were up, we could've chatted and I could have bored you to sleep. Bet you did enjoy those things you weren't sposed to eat - while you were eating them. Big price to pay, tho. I am so sorry you have/are having a bad time. It just amazes me that you are so up(don't mean nights) and sunny. Hang in there, Girl. You make our days so much nicer just because we know you. Prayers. Love and all that goes with it......:) :) :)
hi zazzy!
so sorry to hear about all this you're going through. you are really my inspiration, girl. i am in awe of your ability to maintain your humor the way you do. most others (probably myself included) would be so depressed. you are amazing.
i hope the scope goes fast and ends well. please let us know what's going are in our thoughts. be well and God bless you,
Hi Zazzy,

Hang in there! Call us when you can't sleep. Joann and I both wake up often for no apparent reason. Hope that they can help you with everything. Thanksgiving will be here soon.

John & Joann
Living and Clicking
I'm sorry to hear this. You don't need anymore problems. I guess the only silver lining is the Pylori is usually pretty easy to treat nowadays.

Try to keep your chin up. Today is a new day and sometimes a good nights' sleep will help to take the edge out of all the negatives. If you don't feel better today, then perhaps tomorrow.

Take care Zazzy.
Keep ranting Zazzy - all your rants are eminently legitimate - and we are happy to be your rantees.
You quack me up!!! You have such a good attitude, that I dont think this will keep you down for long!! Sorry for your ills, they will pass. Keep smiling!
Thanks everyone! Guess I'll find out Tuesday what the verdict is. Kevin... I have a friend who is being treated right now for H. Pylori.... the antibiotics that they have given her had made her very nauseated. The pharmacist said that this will probably last at least the three weeks she is on it. It seems that with most diseases these days the cure is worse than the disease itself! hee hee

Take care all and have a Great Thanksgiving!!!

Hi Zazz...Geez enuff already ! lol

Hi Zazz...Geez enuff already ! lol

Zazz, I've only begun don't know my way around the icons, etc.

But, my heart friend, I just feel for you..U have been/going thru sooo much for so long now.

Please know that I think of you and admire your upbeat (at least outwardly) attitude. If you ever need to really have a pity party..please call on me.


Zipper *~*

PS..can also be reached at [email protected] Take care...Hope Thanksgiving is good to you. J
TickTock..Nostalgia..I'm Zipper..remember maybe ? How R Ya ?

TickTock..Nostalgia..I'm Zipper..remember maybe ? How R Ya ?

ticktock said:
You quack me up!!! You have such a good attitude, that I dont think this will keep you down for long!! Sorry for your ills, they will pass. Keep smiling!


Well, Zazzy. That really reaks. You of all people are definately allowed to gripe here and we will all try to offer what upbeats we can or maybe just commiserate with you. Gee you can't even smother your ills in chocolate cheesecake...that really reaks.

Here's hoping the cure is fast and not worse than the ills. Prayers coming your way, friend.

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