Think you are cold? Read this

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Rec'd this email today from Hollywood, Florida:

Ann, I'm freezing down here. If I had a fireplace, it would be burning some logs. I do have the heater on tho. Since we are on a lake, that wind blowing kills me. Bobby is out cutting the grass, it is nice and sunny but cold. Right now it's 55 outside. :D


If it's 55 outside I'm at the beach throwing the frisbee around.
Not if you live in 'way down south Florida. Grew up in Miami and when it reached 50, they closed the schools! This is for real. We had no heat in our schools at all and 50 was like 0 to us.
55 degrees??
Heck in Michigan that is shorts and tee shirt weather!!
55 is skinny dippin weather. It's a whopping 24F here now. I suppose you all think I'm nuts for grilling in this type of weather?
I've been known to fire up the grill as cold as 10F! :D
Not a whole lot warmer here in NW Fl, Ross - 34 on my porch! "They" say it's el Nino. Reckon that's it? We have not heard a peep from Bill over in Pensacola - maybe he fell through the ice? Hey Bill -...........:confused:
If you spit and it doesn't freeze before it hits the ground, then it isn't cold.

55 sounds like a real treat to me.
I don't know where to start. My wife and I went for a drive to the beach, today. It was 52 degrees and we thought it wonderful. I never get over enjoying these temperatures. We lived 20 years in the UP of Michigan (100 miles north of Green Bay, Wisconsin where Brett and the boys are getting a lesson from Bonnie's Atlanta Falcons. Brett is a Mississippi boy who has made quite a rep for himself in the cold country. He never loses on really cold days, etc. Today looks like the end of the streak)

Anyway, everything is relative. We drove through the camp ground at Ft. Pickens, which is a part of the National Seashore and there were quite a few people camping and enjoying the outdoors. People from all over including Michigan and Canada. For these it was downright balmy, I know.

Went for my evening walk and it was down to 41 degrees and I still like it better than my walks back in Michigan.

We laugh the sand is white, they use snow fence to control drifting just like up north qnd it looks like they just plowed the "snow". I need to take a photo and post it for everyone to see, it looks and with the chilly temps feels much like winter up north many times-I think the follage like palmetto and Spanish moss will give away the true locations, we will see.

Best to all, especaially for Ann twenty miles north of us in "NORTH" Florida and freezing her cute little booty off. BTW Ann the lake has never gotten ice on it, has it??

Oh you guys!!

We got about 24 inches of snow yesterday, on top of the 20 we already had. I had to leave the hospital early today because our power went off, my neighbor (who's taking care of the dog) called to tell me. It was off for 9 hours or so. The house was COLD. I had my coat and hat on, plus a couple of blankets.

My daughters are in Florida, and they're whining about a little temp dip.
For Bill Aldridge and Nancy

For Bill Aldridge and Nancy

Billy Bob ( my diet partner)..I thought the reason Ann had not heard from you were so weak from losing all that weight, you couldn't drag yourself to the computer.:D :D :D Nancy...You are tougher than any of our male valvers .they would be whining..and I bet you look cute in that pink (or Purple?) ski outfit:) :) Bonnie
Hey, Bill - you are a true appreciater of all the good things we have here at the World's Most Beautiful Beaches. And I say this without tongue in cheek, as I have been doing. It would be nice to put in a picture of this lovely place for others to view. Nobody in the world can match it.

On the other hand, I am waiting for the radio report about ice on the lake. (For those wondering, DeFuniak Springs has a lake right in the middle of town, one of the two round lakes in the world. The town is built around it and houses around the lake are those old timey southern antebellum mansion types - like Tara).