The tongue is fixed!

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2003
Naples, Italy
Well almost 5 months to the day from my surgery and my problem with the "isolated 12th nerve" in my tongue is fixed. The ENT doc said it would repair itself in time and it did. I'm also doing phase 3 cardiac reahb and riding my bike a few times a week. Life is good!


Jim Johnson
Ross Procedure 11/18/03
Dallas, Texas
"isolated 12th nerve"????

I'm just asking because I've got a date with an ENT on Monday to see if we can make some headway on whatever they heck it is that's making me cough all the time....

I did have some vocal chord paralysis after being on a vet for 5 weeks plus and my suspiscion is that it could be related to why I'm coughing up crap like I am now.

Just wodnering if there's something else I could ask the doctors about.

Glad to here your thing corrected itself.
Hi chili

Hi chili

You were the biker member I was thinking about. Lance Armstrong will pass in my small county in Georgia Sat. at noon. I have already picked a spot for my age 11 year old Grandson to watch him go by. :D Tour du Georgia. Bonnie
Wow it has been 5 months already! Glad to hear everything is back to normal.
Kathy H
What great news. It just goes to remind us that recovery does take awhile. I'm glad you are feeling so well!

Actually, it's interesting that you're into biking. I walked a little farther than I intended today, and spent about an hour downtown in a famous cycling town nearby - Somerville, New Jersey.

Glad to hear that isolated nerve is finally speaking to the rest again.
thats great

thats great

I'm very glad for you. My speach is alittle off . But mine unlike yours is due to a stroke during surgery. It very mild and my wife says you can harly notice it. So I am alittle jelious. Wish mine would vanish. ha ha ha

Hi Chilihead

So glad everything is back in working order again......Now you can sing, taste, eat and ride that bike in top form.
