the money we spend....

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hey guys, I have some good news and some SHOCKING news. First off, we FINALLY got a house. It is a 4 bedroom on two lots, let me tell you, it is COOL! It's got this back yard that has steps going to the bottom part, and there is this playhouse for the boys...THere's a slide that goes down to the bottom part of the yard, and then there's a fire pit for bonfires! THe Yard is fenced off in 3 different sections...the back, the side yard has a 6 or 8 foot privacy fence and the front is fully fenced as well. THere is tons of parking too! It's a rambler that has great landscaping, and the inside is SOOO nice! clean and nice carpeting, too! We're moving in April 18-april 20th. Finally getting out of this tiny little 2 bedroom apartment with no yard to a nice 4 bedroom with a HUGE yard!

Anyways, the money part is the fact that a haircut in Washington costs up to(I wonder if it costs more some other places) $106.00 Don't ask me how I know that......
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Congratulations Joy!

I'm sure that will be a relief for the entire family. It makes a big difference when you have some space and aren't cramped up in a small place. I remember the apartment Lyn and I had when we first got married. 2 bedroom, tiny, tiny, place. We packed our stuff in there and 3 kids to boot. Not a healthy thing to do. You sort of want to kill each other when your that close together. :)
Congratulations, Joy - this is great news. Your first home is always the one you remember later, no matter how many you get as time passes.

Haircut $106????????? Is that a misprint? Males AND females? Top price in our little town is $10.00 - course we are backwoodsy folk and not much money in this county. Next town over is way more than ours. I get mine at brother's assisted living facility for $7 + $3 for shampoo? + tip. Ain't that nice?
Oh Joy, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW HOUSE!!! I'm sure you're overjoyed, as you should be. Enjoy every minute of it!! It sounds just perfect for the boys, that's for sure!!!

$106 for a haircut???? Wow you must have lots of long-haireds running around out there!!! I'm in NY and pay $25, Tyce $20.



Congratulations on your new house. There is nothing like a yard for children to play in. As far as paying $106.00 for a haircut theres no way. I payed that once to have my hair highlighted and said I would never do it again. I found someone who will do it for half that. I don't believe in expensive cosmetics either. Maybeline or Cover Girl work just fine. I used to use the expensive stuff and I couldn't see much difference except for the price. I am not a very high maintenance woman. I do like nice things for my house though. I always have a project going here at home.


You must be so excited about your new home. I wish you all the luck.

Did you say $106 for a haircut? Does that include anything else like color? I pay anywhere up to $80 to get my hair colored and cut and sometimes foiled (this natural blond thing is a lot of work you know-LOL). Sounds like a lot of $$ if it is just a haircut-althought Boston has some salons that could probably compare to that!

Anyhow, keep us posted on when you will be moving.

Good luck
Hi Joy

Hi Joy

So happy for you..Take one of those bedrooms and make a playroom for boys...:D Put all their toys in there and just close the door..:p :p As far as haircuts..I have not been to a beautyshop in 20 years. My hair is down to below shoulders. I twist it..French braid it..ect. and colour it myself every 2 months. No big deal. Hubby loves it..Makeup..a little Revlon off the shelf at grocery store, a little cream rouge..and eyebrow pencil..and lipstick when I go out. No high maintance for this old girl...:p I try to go out the door with a great big happy smiling face...:) :) :) :) :) :) :) Again, Joy, so happy yougot the house. Bonnie


thats fantastic !!! I was lucky after living alone I got married to a older woman that had her oun home. It is a 140 year old painted lady with eight bedrooms, two full baths sitting on forty acres. I didn't know what to do with myself when I moved in. Took me about six months to get use to it. Enjoy :)
Wonderful News!

Wonderful News!

Congratulations on the new house. It sounds just great. A yard is a really nice thing when you have kids. Is this the house you talked about awhile ago on the chat? This is such an exciting time. Good luck with the moving. I bet you can't wait.
Regarding the haircut. Wow! That is a lot of $$$$. I just had my hair washed and cut the other day. It cost me $16.00 and then I added a tip. I thought that was a lot. I can't imagine paying $106.00. Is it a high end type salon?

Take Care!
Hi Joy,

Congratulations on your home! It's sounds nice. Remember...the more space you give your kids....the more they will take and accumulate:p

Our daughter has two rooms to herself. She makes good use of it too. Most of the time I can't get through the playroom door. As Bonnie said.....close it.;)
Congratulations on the house and the truly neat for you all!

About the daughter's sister-in-law in LA is a stylist. I know she makes her SUV payments with what she gets from one man's bi-weekly haircuts...she goes to his office for it! So what do you figure monthly payments on a new SUV are?
It all depends...what kind is it? My honda costs $330 a month...if it's more than that I think she's got a really good job!:D
Bad Hair Days

Bad Hair Days

I, too, pay $106 for haircuts:( but that is because I get charged $10.60 per hair (see photo at left).:D Where is Silverdale, Joy? I used to live in Kirkland.
