The death of a student

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
I think that we probably know how lucky we all have been to say that what is wrong with us has been or will be repaired. This past Saturday I lost one of my students. He was killed in an auto accident. His parents gave his organs for transplant today. I think about how someone will get his heart and I don't know how a parent could make that decision. I am glad that they did. I want a part of him to stay with all of us for a long time. If someone had not made this difficult decision many of the advancements that have allowed all of us to live would not exist. Please be greatful for every minute of every day we have. It very well could be anyone of us that needed his heart.

So well said, Lettitia, I absolutely agree with everything you've said. What a tragedy, and still his family was so giving to allow someone else to benefit from their loss. I am truly thankful for the medical miracles that have come my way and allowed me hope for a normal lifetime with my family.

I am sorry for the loss of your student. Keeping you in my thoughts.

I am very sorry to hear this news....but I am glad to hear about the organ donations...that's a plus...

I think we all know how lucky we are to be alive...and, for the most part, well. I try to be grateful, but sometimes that doesn't happen.

I believe your post prompted me to respond for 2 reasons....

1) I had a good friend die in an accident a couple years ago this coming March. He was on his way home from work (it was raining), got on the expressway, went to pass a car, and hydroplaned, crossed the grassy median, and was struck in the driver's side by an oncoming vehicle. He was killed instantly. Unfortunately, the day this happened (a Thursday morning), I was packing for my annual trip to Nashville...and I didn't find out about it until the following Wednesday...when I was in Nashville.

2) 9 months after my surgery in 1987, my best friend Josh died of an asthma attack. At the time of that surgery in March of that year, if you had asked anyone which one of us would have survived the longest...the answer probably would have been Josh. And yet, he's been dead now more years than he was alive...and, sometimes, it feels like he was never here...and that, at least for me, is very scary to think about.......

Cort Stevens...pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
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I am so terribly sorry to hear about your student. Everything you have stated is so very true. I don't know how to put it any better.

Take Care & God Bless!
I am so sorry to hear of this tragedy. It is difficult to hear of the loss of one so young. I am sure his parents will be comforted to know that a part of their son lives on....and on.....and on
hi lettitia!
i was so sorry to read about your student; how sad for all who knew him.
i think it must have taken so much strength on the part of his parents to donate his organs.
knowing that you will be helping/saving others is a nice thing, but when it involves making the sacrifice they did, i have such respect for them.
my heart goes out to all of you.
It so sad when young ones die,

It so sad when young ones die,

His parents are amazing to have a clear head to want to donate his organs.

We do need to appreciate every day, it is a gift.

When I was a high school senior, one of my good friend's sisters got into a car accident, and flipped her car. She had severe internal bleeding, and frose to death. THey said she got about 1 yards from the front door of a house, got disoriented and went in a different direction. IT was a tough time to happen...three days after christmas. SHe was in my class. I went to her funeral, and she looked nothing like herself. Didn't even recognize her. It goes to show... life is precious. Actually, the day after christmas, about 7 years ago, my nephew got a new liver, because an 11 year old boy was killed in a car crash. THat donor saved his life. I totally understand what that student's friends are going through. Been through it a couple of times. It is sad, and going back to school was weird. You will be in my thoughts.
Thank You all so much for your thoughts and prayers. Going back to school has been very hard for me and my other students. But, we decided today that we will get through this. We have made a class room memorial out of Bryan's desk with his textbooks and somethings from his closest friends. We will leve this in place until the students are ready to take it down. Thank you again
