Test Strips/Fridge

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I have been wondering.. Does everyone keep their test strips in the fridge? I know the instructions say that you should/could to prolong the dates.

THis past week i was in the hospital, so when my parents came home i asked them to get my box of test strips out of my bag and put them in the fridge since i wouldnt be using them. SO they did.

In the past i've read post where people have "packed" thier test strips in "coolers" while traveling on planes and stuff. So i was wondering if you always keep you're test strips in the cold fridge. I didnt know why you couldnt just keep em in your traveling bag until you get to your destination THEN put them in the fridge or something?

SO i thought i would throw it out there and see what most hometesters do. As of right now, I have a backpack that i keep my pacemaker machine and my Home INRatio Machine in it with all my supplies. SO when i go anywhere ITS ALL THERE TOGETHER!! But if i should start keeping a small cooler for my test strip/box then i will.

Thanks!!!! :p :p :p
The INRatio strips do not need to be refridgerated. I keep mine on a shelf in my bedroom which is the correct room temperature and out of humidity.
The only time I would have them in a cooler is if I were traveling and knew they would be in a hot car for any length of time.

At home, I keep my ProTime cuvettes in the refrigerator, plus I always have 2 at room temp in the guest bath, where I keep my machine. That way I have an extra ready, "just in case." Afterward, I replace the one I just used and put the new one in back of the one for the next week's test.

When traveling, I do put my cuvettes on some "blue ice" or actual ice cubes (in a baggie), mainly because I live in Texas and it does get just a tad bit warm here, sometimes even year-round.
Even under seats on airplanes or in overhead cabins, a carry-on bag can get a little warm. Especially if you end up sitting on the tarmac for 2-3 hours waiting out weather delays before being able to take off. Been there, done that quite a few times. I've also flown on an aircraft that didn't have all the air conditioning system functioning 100%, and that was in early August one year.
Yup, mine stay in the fridge also. Whilst travelling in hot countries I use a small stainless steel vacuum flask with a few lumps of ice inside and the CoaguChek strips - it's still been very cold inside after almost a day in a car in very hot conditions.

Having said this, I know the CoaguChek strips say they are stable at room temperature for 60 days. What I've never seen documented or discussed is the actual effects of them getting a lot hotter than room temperature... does it:
- reduce the 60 days :confused:
- introduce potential errors :confused:
- knacker them completely at xxx degrees :confused:
I keep mine in refridgerator....Had to laugh at Hubby...Asked him to bring my Protime and 2 cuvettes to Alabama..He brought them in the cooler they arrived in from QAS..Had the 2 in baggies..with a bag of ice on the side.. BTW..I keep QAS'S bags that they freeze..Just refreeze for picnics, ect. Bonnie