Ter's surgery

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2002
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Not sure I'm doing this right to post a note but here goes. Want to give everyone an update on Ter's surgery. Went very, very well !! Doctors said expect 4-6 hours. They took Ter in at 8 minutes to 7 this morning and at 10:20am they came and got me and said Doctor was done and would be out to see me. When I met with the Doctor at 11:00 he was very, very positive. Said it was the absolute best kind of repair possible and it should last 20 years or longer. Heart was a little more enlarged that what the doctor expected, but said it was a damn good thing surgery was done when it was and that there should be no problem. I saw Ter again at 2:30 - he still had the breathing tube in...couldn't skake the anesthetic and of course morphine, so they were hoping to take out around supper time (not that Ter can eat you know !!) I was dissappointed that I can only see him 3 times a day, but that should only be for 24 hours or so. I only hope Ter's recovery is as good as what his surgery went. Thanks for all your support and prayers !! Glad Mommy3 is doing so well. I didn't realize about the not wanting to eat....seems like Ter wants to eat all the time. I'll keep a close eye on that....Thanks again, Chris E.
Great news! After the first 24 hours, they should let you see him as much as you want to. My thoughts and prayers will keep going until he's out of ICU and in stepdown.
ter just called on the phone. Got the breathing tube out ! Says he feels good but his chest hurts (imagine that) Taking his breathing exercises every hour right now ! Very tired, but ok !
Thanks Chris

Thanks Chris

After you see Ter..you go get some rest. He will be fine. You need to keep up your energy...Bonnie
I'm so glad to hear that he surgery went well. I was just thinking about him this afternoon. The ICU was the worst part for me. I just wanted out of there soooo bad. Doing his breathing exercises isn't fun but it really does help. You do have to make sure you get your rest too. Once I was in a room, they let my husband stay 24 hrs a day if he wanted. You can check with the hospital about possibly getting a roll away bed or something. Please let us know how you and Ter are doing. I hope Ter continues to have a quick and uneventful recovery.

Take Care!
Hi Chris-

Wonderful news about Ter. You both must be so relieved. It's time for you the crash, Chris, Ter's got nurses to take good care of him, and he'll be intensely monitored. After he gets home, you'll be helping him do everything. So rest up.

Send Ter my best wishes for a smooth recovery.
Hi Chris E and Ter

So very glad you're both doing A-OK. Please give Ter our very best wishes. Remember the motto, walk, walk, walk, breathe, breathe, breathe, nap, nap, nap.....and Chris E, that last part goes for you, too. You have been through quite a bit emotionally and probably will come to a point when you too "crash." I will continue you both in my prayers till you get him back home.

Hey Chris E, I'm glad to hear that Ter is doing well! I think Evelyn and Tyce had a great system, they actually napped together! I actually made my husband leave, even though I wasn't able to tell Kev, I could nod, and that's how I told him to go home and get some sleep, he had a lot to do the next day. My parents came out for the whole heart surgery and everything, so I had the help I needed. I think that whenever possible you should rest as much as possible, and before you know it, Ter will be up and more active than you could ever remember him being. He's going to feel great, it just takes a little time and TLC from loved ones! congratulations, and we look forward to seeing him when he's able to post again! Thanks for the update Chris E!
great News,

As many have said, now you need to take care of you. You have been through a lot and you need some tlc too.

thanks for keeping us up to date on Ter's progress. We are so happy.

Best wishes,
