Terry McNulty-Discharged Today

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
My friend Terry, was discharged from CCF this morning, after undergoing 6 hours of surgery yesterday. His mother said that they won't know what the outcome will be for at least a month. They are to watch for signs of infections, headaches, and the gambit that most all of us have been warned about. She said the moment they got home, he went to bed and collapsed in sleep.

Things sound o.k. so far, but please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers as I will be doing the same.

Hi Ross, Glad to hear your friend Terry is home. I wish him all the best for a smooth recovery and he will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi There Ross!
I'm glad to hear that Terry is home. I hope he has a smooth recovery and that everything goes well. He will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Take Care!
six hours in surgery and they sent him home????
That's what I said too. I talked with him briefly today. He said they didn't open his chest, but went through both Jugular veins and left and right femoral arteries. Apparently, they felt it was safe for him to leave or they wouldn't have let him. I know when I was there, I almost broke down and signed myself out. It seemed like everyday, they found another reason to keep me longer. I look back at it now and realize how foolish that would have been.