Ter #2 update

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2002
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Hi everyone. Thanks for all your positive feedback and support. Ter is doing wonderfully ! Day #3 and he's eating solid foods and seems to be hungry...even asking for food between feeding times. He's walking, walking walking. Hasn't failed a breathing excercise yet. If he had his way, he'd be home tomorrow. Doesn't seem to be in too much pain. Doctor's said that he's really got to watch himself in regards to the sternum...not to overdue or it won't heal properly - got a feeling I'll have my hands full with that !! Hospital staff has treated us very well.
So far so good. Thanks again for all your support and Ter says hi to everyone ! Gods blessings, Chris.
Glad Ter is doing good

Glad Ter is doing good

Don't let him be a Macho Man or he will pay dearly..Like driving too soon, ect. I will soon be 8 months..raked a few leaves yesterday and can feel it in my chest today. Takes a good year to heal. Bonnie
Thanks, Chris - you sound good, too. Please let Ter know he is thought of and we wait to hear his 'war' stories about his trek up the mountain and over. Happy to know that BOTH of you are doing well. God bless
I'm so glad to hear that everything seems to be going well. I hope Ter continues to have a quick recovery, but don't let that fool him into thinking he can do more than he should. There were times that I felt so good I would forget about the surgery and try to lift my daughter etc....before I was ready. I could feel right away that I made a mistake. Keep us posted and don't forget to try to get some rest for yourself.

Take Care!
hi chris!
thanks for posting and letting us know that ter is doing well.
it will get even better and easier with each new day, so please make sure he doesn't do too much too soon!
glad all is going well. please keep us posted.
stay well, sylvia
good news

good news

Hi Chris and Ter

Great to hear that things are going well. Whilst it's vital Ter doesn't do too much too soon, it's also important to get excersising as that aids recovery. Walking was the best medicine I had after my AVR!

Best wishes to you both,
