TEE & Herina surgery

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SHerrin Hutt

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2002
Jeffersonville. In
Well , I had my Tee yesterday at U of L Hosp. In louisville, Ky My cardiologist that is not mine. My test was suposed to be 8:00 am and they finally got to at 2:eek:o pm. In was fun, fun to wait with out having nothing to eat or drink after midnight. They found several clots on the valve. Why?What does this mean?Need less to say the hernia surgery is on hold now. My pt has been 2.0 for the last two weeks because they switch me back since to warfin. I have increased it but no results yet. Went to my cardiologist today to get my pacemakes reprogramed. They wasn't happy that they sent me toanother Dr. and to another Hosp. I called and the Dr. that ordered the Tee has talked to mycardio already today. He is suppose to call me today befor he leaves . I am really worried why are there clots on my valve now and did they cause my black outs.
And on top of everthing else my brother lost his wife to canser this week.
I went to the funeral home last night. But I couldn't make to the funernal today. We weren't very close. But my heart still fills his pain. They were child hood sweetheart, from 14 yrs to 58ys. They had two sons. They did not tell anyone on my side of the family untill she had pass on.They was afraid they would unset my mother .Just keep me in your prayers.
Sherrin - Sorry to hear of your troubles. You will be in my prayers. Wish I could do more!:(
Has Anyone Heard from Sherrin?

Has Anyone Heard from Sherrin?

I am wondering if anyone has heard from Sherrin. Her doctors would need to make a judgment call regarding trying to dissolve the clots or else replacing the valve in time to prevent a stroke.

I am so sorry that this has happened, and I hope that Sherrin is getting the help and care she needs.

Blood Clot

Blood Clot

Well I went to the cardiologist today and any surgergy for the next three months is out of the question. they will repeat the TEE then. He wants increase my warfine and get my PT over 3.0 or higher, and try to keep it there. He doesn't want to take any chances.
So Glad to Hear from You!

So Glad to Hear from You!

Dear Sherrin,

I am so glad to hear from you, and I want you to know that I am thinking of you and wishing you all the best. I am so sorry that you must cope with this, and I hope that they will be very careful with you.

Take good care,
Sherrin, you have been through the wringer lately. I want you to know that many of us are thinking of you and putting you on our prayer lists. I pray that all will be well, but I know it will be hard until it is fixed. Please keep us posted. Blessins.....