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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 31, 2024
North Dakota
Less than 24hrs till "showtime" at Mayo Clinic, in Minnesota. Dr. Dearani will be preforming my OHS to replace an aortic valve and ascending aneurysm up to the arch. Plan is to go with the on-x mechanical valve.

I gotta say, the nerves are getting more real now! I think my main fear is the pain afterwards and just the fact that it's open heart surgery. It's just a typical Wednesday for my surgeon, but quite the change for me in my life!

I will be sure to update this thread when I'm good and ready, hopefully I'm not too foggy!
I think my main fear is the
don't fear what can not be avoided ...


Maybe buy and read Dune in recovery
I am trying my absolute best to keep this in mind and to surrender any fear
its perhaps the most daunting thing you have ever faced in your life; so feeling apprehension and fear is natural. Normal even.
However don't allow your unconscious to overwhelm you. You are the captain of your ship, don't allow your unconscious "archetypes" to mutiny.


sorry, my dad was a mariner and later a certified Harbour Master (in a small area), so I'm big on the ocean references.

Leave the concerns to the specialists and make sure you arrange some KimChi for when you're out of ICU


Best Wishes and fingers crossed for an uneventful recovery
Leave the concerns to the specialists and make sure you arrange some KimChi for when you're out of ICU


Best Wishes and fingers crossed for an uneventful recovery
Absolutely, I have full faith in my team. Surgeon showed me the risk he's put everything at. Mortality is around 1 percent, any complications are around that same percentage as well. I am fearful, but will not allow these "waves" to deter me from moving forward.
Be optimistic and positive. Its the best way to get through it all. You'll sere - afterwards you will wonder why you were so worried. Mayo is a top flight outfit. You're in safe hands. So good luck and see you on the other side!!
Less than 24hrs till "showtime" at Mayo Clinic, in Minnesota. Dr. Dearani will be preforming my OHS to replace an aortic valve and ascending aneurysm up to the arch. Plan is to go with the on-x mechanical valve.

I gotta say, the nerves are getting more real now! I think my main fear is the pain afterwards and just the fact that it's open heart surgery. It's just a typical Wednesday for my surgeon, but quite the change for me in my life!

I will be sure to update this thread when I'm good and ready, hopefully I'm not too foggy!
Wishing you all the very best for your surgery
Spanky & the gang says you'll be fine!

Once that fun part is over rest up and post back here when yer able with a big Buckwheat "O-TAY" thumbs up to let us know how you are.

What comes next (your recovery) is a process we've all been through and this forum should be a help with that too.