swelling right side of neck?????

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2005
Alberta, Canada
Hi its me again! Still waiting to see the internist but would like to know if anyone out there (with any of these or all of these problems): bicuspid aotic valve, AS, dilated aotic root and/or dilated ascending aorta ever have swelling on the right side of their neck? My right side of my neck is very swollen ( It is really freaking me out....!) I also keep getting sharp pains ripping through my neck, numbness in my jaw and chin and a burning sensation in my neck. When this happens I also get pain radiating down my right arm. I think my carotid artery is enlarged but not sure. I had recent thyroid tests done and they came back normal...so it can't be a goiter, it might be a swollen lymph gland but the area is not hard to the touch...and it is more oblong and not cyst like. I can't even say if it is heart related or not, that is why I am asking if anyone has this symptom or knows anyone who has....or am I just a freak of nature???? :(

Still seaking answers...
That's from valve regurgitation, most likely anyways...

My neck pulsed with every beat of my heart because blood was flowing backwards into the veins so badly in the weeks before I had my tricuspid valve cut out and replaced.

It's very unnerving and can be quite noticable to other people, but, at least for me, it was par for the course along with all the other symptoms I was having and it was occuring long before I got "really" sick and had to stop working.

Mention it to your docs, definitely get it checked out, but it may not be all that serious even though it can look that way.
Thanks for the input...did your neck look swollen...or thicker on one side than the other...did you get pain shooting in your neck....? Just curious....? I feel quite selfconcious about my neck...I look so lopsided...deformed...feel like tumor girl...all I can do about it is wear a turtleneck....thank god I don't have swelling on my face..(I am so vain.....I would probably shoot myself!) Wish I could turn the clock back to 5 months ago when life was normal and I felt and looked like a human...(I know...I am such a whiner)

When Joe's mitral was in trouble, he had jugular vein distention, and it was very obvious. I do remember that it was on both sides, and I could see his heartbeats in the vein. His doctors were able to palpate it and knew what it was.

However, that doesn't mean that it is the same thing for you, but it's a possibility. Surely it has to be looked at and diagnosed.
In researching ascending aortic aneurysm because of my husband's, I seem to remember that swelling or bulging of neck arteries can be a sign of impending disaster. The pain sounds like stories I've read of dissection of aorta--sometimes it's sudden & ripping, and sometimes less dramatic. I'd get it checked right away.