Surgery tomorrow

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Well, tomorrow is it! 7:30am CST. All my loved ones will be there to send me off and welcome me back also! Our youngest daughter is still at home, so will be with me when I get home, and a sister is coming from Dallas for 10 days. What kind of foods will I want, I'm wondering? And I know to blow, blow, blow and move. For girls only (someone posted something about what bra to buy at Penney's that would be comfortable) a front snap bra is comfortable?? The recliner is ready if the bed is not comfortable, but the uncertain varaiable are my two cats. One night last week I woke to my older, 17 pound cat on my chest. He always wants to be near! Had steak and lobster last night.
Thanks to all at this site. So many things I have learned here, and the big one is to be patient with myself.

I'll post when I get home. I will have graduated to the other side.

Penny B
wife to the sweetest man alive
Hi penny-

Best wishes to you as you head to surgery. You will be fine, and you have all of your friends here rooting for you. We'll all be here waiting to hear of news of your surgery.

Bon Voyage and smooth sailing. God Bless.
Hi Penny and good luck with your surgery tomorrow!!!

You will be fine, but I'll put you in my prayers till you get back through the doors of your house!!! Don't worry about what to eat, nothing will taste good for a bit, but after that I'm sure they'll spoil you rotten and make you anything your "heart" desires.

You know the rules, nap, nap nap, breathe breathe breathe, walk, walk, walk. As far as kitties go, well, sleeping on your chest is a definite NO NO. I wouldn't worry too much about it though, you'll know if they come anywhere near you. We have 4 dogs and 1 cat who sleep with us, but for the first two weeks Tyce was home, they obviously didn't. Can you put them in a spare room for the evening?

Please have someone post if you can to let us know how you did.

Go with God.

I'll be thinking and praying for a uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. Let us know when you can. I'll see you on the other side of the mountain. :)
Best of luck and wishes for you on your journey. Looking forward to hearing from you when it's all over! (keep the cat off!)
Les AVR '93 / '95
I want to wish you the best of luck with your surgery tomorrow. Everything will go just fine. Please have someone keep us informed of your post op progress, if you can.

Take Care!

Hope you did get the front closure ba, and that will help. At the time of my surgery I was more endowed than I am now(lost about 40 pounds since then) and a regular bra just hurt llike heck! No bra was even worse! My sternum would feel like it was trying to rip apart, when I was braless. I did get a couple from JC Pennys by the way!

The recliner will be your best friend at first. My sister had a cat(which is where i stayed for a month) and only one time did he try to jump on me. Then he seemed to sense I was hurting and was actually prtective of me. Animals have a way of sensing things, so i wouldn't worry about that too much!

Wishing you the best of luck on your surgery tomorrow. I will keep you in my prayers! Meet you on the other side!

All the best with your operation. You are in our prayers and we know you will be fine.

As for food, believe me you will not really want to eat very much. The only thing that tasted good to me for some time was potato soup. Once you get home your appetite will improve and soon you will be ready to eat your favorite foods.

As for the Kats, we also have three of them; you may have to close your door to keep them away for a while. Don?t think you will want them sitting on your chest for a while.

All the best

Penny, all my best wishes for an uneventful procedure and recovery. We'll be looking for an update on your return...take care.



My thoughts and prayers will be with you. I hope everything is uneventful. Good luck and Godspeed Peggy

Just wanted to echo everyone's thoughts and prayers. I'll send mine now and ask you to do the same for me in a few weeks.

Good luck, Penny. My surgery is one week away, and all the messages of encouragement to you have been helpful to me as well. This is indeed a wonderful online community.
Dear Penny - I got a 'sleep' bra that hooks in the front - very soft and only kept things in place so they wouldn't pull on the incision.

I have a cat, too. Before surgery I had a headboard and she would sit there and suddenly leap onto my chest. I recall saying over and over while in the hospital that I was so afraid Penelope would jump on my chest (the staff really looked at me and I could feel their chuckle but was too drugged to care) and ruin it all. So when I got home I was very, very careful. I got rid of the headboard, but when she can she still jumps/sleeps on me - and it still hurts. Can't break her, tho. So watch out.

Guess you are already there this morning and my thoughts and prayers are with you as you travel up the mountain. We hope someone will let us know how you are. And we'll be here when you get back. We're leavin the light on for ya. GODSPEED
Hi, Penny. I'm fairly new to this site; I've been reading for over a month, but had a problem with my registration & couldn't post until the last couple of days.

I'm six weeks out from surgery, so the "cat-on-chest" issue is still fresh; I also have a puppy that thinks she should sit on my lap and lean all 25 lbs. on my chest.

I found that keeping my "Sir Koff-a-lot" bear (I guess he's in lieu of coughing pillows - got him from the hospital) across my chest really put the cat and dog off and after a couple of days home they quit trying to get on my chest. It worked in bed as well as in my trusty recliner. AND protects your incision.

Best of luck. You sound like you're really prepared, and that's a big help.

Georgia H.
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Welcome, Georgia to - nice place to visit - nice place to reside. Nice folks - love your name - I was born there and Bonnie lives there (Georgia, I mean).
Thanks, Hensylee. This whole thing has certainly been an adventure. I was OK at Christmas; and by ML King Day had congestive heart failure. What a surprise. And I was worried that I had pneumonia. Had a mitral valve replaced (St. Jude mechanical) and tricuspid valve repaired on Feb. 3.

This seems to be a great group; I've enjoyed following along for the last month.

Imagine your surprise - I had the same! Mine was sudeen, too but was bypass. About a month after surgery, I decided to try to find out about hearts so that I could learn what the heck happened to me. Chanced to come here to and these fine folks are what I found. Was new to computers and lurked awhile til I got the nerve to actually speak to the group - now they can't shut me up! It has been a great journey since then - even tho I had no valve replaced. You can learn so much here from all the others. God bless