Surgery scheduled for 4/28

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2009
Chicago, Illinois
I just posted on here once and ran, but I'll try to do better now that I'm officially having surgery. I called a few days ago and scheduled my AVR and aorta repair. It's just 6 days after my birthday, which kind of sucks, but they wouldn't kill me during my birthday month, right? :eek: I'm going with a tissue valve so that I can go on and have babies later, which is the silver lining to all this and the hope that I am focusing on.

I'm going in on Friday for a few pre-surgery tests. Just a blood test and a chest x-ray and something else. They haven't said anything about a cath or TEE, both which I've seen mentioned on here a lot. Does that sound normal or are those necessary? Do you think they would try to sneak one on me at the hospital or something?

I am trying to pretend that I'm not actually having surgery. I'm going to check in at the hospital and then they're going to wheel me off to a magical fairy land of chocolate and wine. Right? ;)
Welcome, this place is Great!!! It will be okay, I'm healing now from surgery, it will be 3 weeks tomorrow!! They should tell you about the other tests before you have them. I had the heart cath the day before my surgery.. Keep posting and reading, you will get so much from everyone here, it is amazing!!! You will be in my prayers!!! surgery is the same date. I am concerned that my pretesting was 4/6.....22 days in advance. It appears yours will be 18 days.....does that concern you?
Did any of your healthcare providers mention the time period? I expected testing to be just days prior to the surgery.
Ponytail, when I scheduled the testing, the nurse said it had to be within 30 days or so of surgery, and this is the only time I have to do anything before I am admitted. All I'm having done Friday is a blood test and chest x-ray and maybe something else, though, results that probably won't change in 18 days. I'm thinking that maybe there will be some more tests at the hospital just before surgery. Good luck to you! :)