Surgery drawing Closer

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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2006
Oneida, New York
As the time draws nearer to my surgery on Wednesday, I am finding myself obsessed with the whole thing. I have gone to pre-op and have received all of my instructions on preparing with the three showers with the special soap and nasal swabs and an incentive aspirator,etc. I have already read the booklet several times and watched the DVD that the regional heart center made about the process. Even though I have managed to concentrate at work and bring my daughter to her appointments, I think about this surgery and recovery constantly.
I hope that when this is over I don't bore eveyone I meet with all of this. That's why I hope to talk to you people instead of overloading family and friends with obsessive talking about it. Does anyone else empathise with this?
Yes, I did the same thing. I went to bed thinking about it and woke up thinking about it. I finally just at to turn it over to the Lord and let Him handle it. It was way too much for me. I came to the conclussion that whatever happen I win.

I'm getting ready to have my left knee replaced on November 6th. I'm not at all worried about it although just a couple of days ago after I received my flu shot I came down with a terrible cold and upper respiratory infection, so if I don't get rid of that by next Thursday the doctor said we would have to post-pone the surgery. Bummer! I just want to get it over with.

Don't think you will bore us with the details. Most of us have "been there, done that." We are here for you and we'll see you on the other side of the mountain.
Hang in there

Hang in there

I know what your talking about as I too felt overwhelmed anticipating surgery. My nerves were shot and I took up knitting as a way to distract myself (made quite a few scarfs that month). It is normal to be worried. It sounds like you have done all the right things to prepare, so that is good.

Try to do some enjoyable activities over the next few days ~ pamper yourself. Consider some deep breathing exercises if you are feeling anxious - just to get yourself through that tough moment.

Many here have said that on the day of surgery, all you have to do is show up at the hospital and they will take care of the rest - and I found that to be very true!

Hang in there! I'll be sending good thoughts your way on Wednesday.
Marcie, I hope the calm that everybody talks about comes about for you as you walk through those hospital doors. In the meantime, do something fun with your family this weekend. You will do fine and we will all be here to welcome you back and here all about it- Best Wishes and Godspeed!
Hi Marcie,

I think you'll find by Tuesday night, that you will be on auto-pilot. I had my "last meal", did my showers, used my nose swabs, etc. in a sort of surreal fog. Even as you lie there on the gurney waiting for your turn to be taken to surgery, you'll find your mind is swirling in so many directions, but darn if you can focus on any single thought for more than a second. The "nicest" part is, once they wheel you into the OR, you won't remeber a thing until you're in ICU and they're telling you how well everything went, and IT'S OVER. That cloud of doom that has been following you around for months is gone. You might feel like you've been run over, but you also have a new lease on life, and recovery is just something you have to put up with. It's weird to have all this new found space in your thoughts where your worrying use to be.

We'll be anxiously awaiting your report from the other side. Just try to keep yourself busy now and look forward to your new beginning. You're going to be just fine!
You sound like the typical heart patient to me. Nothing weird or strange about it. We all were the sameway. By all means, go out and enjoy thyself until surgery day. Do something that you've always wanted too, but just simply never have done it. Treat yourself like royalty.
My 2cents...You're perfectly normal. Like the rest of us, you'll be back with a big smile on your face. Enjoy the next few days and remember, you have loads of support going in your direction.
I was absolutely obsessed with the whole thing before the surgery. Actually, I still bore people with my story, but I tell it in the way that a person who has been through any terrible ordeal tells the story afterwards when he or she is elated to be alive and well.
I'll be fine

I'll be fine

Hi everybody! It's nice to know that I'm not becoming overly obsessed. I decided to try to do some of the things around here that need to be done such as cleaning up a bit and to try not to think about it too much. I find that my work keeps my mind off of it for a while. Also, I'v been working jigsaw puzzles to pass the time. There isn't much on TV of much interest. I love to read but haven't been able to concentrate for long on a book. I know all be fine because the alternative is unacceptable. I'll let you know how it went when I emerge on the Other Side of the Mountain, Thanks for all your support. Marcie
marciemarine said:
As the time draws nearer to my surgery on Wednesday, I am finding myself obsessed with the whole thing. Does anyone else empathise with this?

Not yet but i'm sure i'm not far behind you, i have just under 3 weeks to mine and am still busy with dentists appointments, surgeons appointments, solicitors appointments and so on.

I think that i will become pretty uptight as the time gets closer, that last weekend is going to be hard knowing that the surgery is happening that week.

I was the same with my wisdom teeth extraction, a bit of a mess the day before and the day of but afterwards it was a breeze, i hope i have the same outcome..
You will be fine. I remember a woman at the american heart assoc. telling me this, and her voice was so playful I knew that she spoke from experience. YOU WILL BE FINE. So...take the will make you stronger. And will give you humility.

listen to a book on tape. go to the park. don't watch TV.

good luck!!!!!