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Hi everyone... in the mix of everything thats been going on this week with my self (theres a previous post...) i do need to move on and figure out other things that i have questions about as well. i know this has been touched before for a topic, but reading back i couldnt figure out really who did what.. or what they found was the easiest and cheapest:

TO put this to the point: I have the INRatio machine. I have run out of test strips... Do most of you go through QAS to order your supplies? I believe its something like $80 for a box of 12..

OR.. do some of you go through like a actual pharmacy or local medical store? Ive been trying to do some research and find out whats CHEAPEST.. right now.. im testing twice a week (my cardio is making me since my health hasnt been good and my levels have been way too low) So a box of 12 doesnt last long.. Im hoping to move to once aweek with testing but still thats only 12 weeks!

I was wondering if anyone has found cheaper ways to buy the test strips?
Diesel :confused: :confused: :confused:
Your not going to be able to simply run to the drug store and get them. You'll have to call QAS. You should be calling them when your down to 3 strips left, so that you have more when you are out. I say 3 because chances are, your going to flub one of the tests. Not always, but that seems to be my luck.
The price is very variable I have found. My durable med supply benefit is used up for the year, I'm on my own. The company I went through for the INRatio wanted $170 for bx/12, more than 2x QAS, and they actually sucontract out from QAS. I wound up getting them over the net for $250 bx/48 and will be about a month over the expiration date by the time I finish with them (hoping that keeping them refrigerated will get them through as they're rated at room temp lifetime). Currently has them for $232 for the bx/48. So shopping around does help.
Enjoy the finger sticking! :D
Yeah but Jeff, you can order from places that us folks cannot. At least not until we get our medical licensing. :)
Home Monitoring...

Home Monitoring...

I am glad you posted this and am eager for replies as well!

Nathan is still very early post op, but we ordered an INRatio from Homesense immediately and should have it sometime here this week or early next. Nathan is going to bring his monitor with him to the coumadin clinic for the next couple of months so we can make sure our numbers are all the same because he will be unable to get to the clinic once he goes back to work (UPS driver, nasty hours...)

We are looking at getting our supplies from QAS not sure how long it will take to get the supplies? A set of twelve sure doesn't seem like many. Can a person order sets of 24 from QAS? So new to all this!! Thanks for posting this Diesel, and sure hope you are feeling better :)

Ann the numbers are not going to be the same. I want to forwarn you so that you don't think something is wrong. They should be very close to each other, but seldom are they the exact same.

Supplies from QAS--You can get whatever you want and usually only takes two days to arrive, depending on your location. Two days for me. If your testing once a week, one box is 12 weeks. I would urge you to call it 9 though, so you have room to mess up a couple tests.


Ross....I am SO glad you are here helping :)

How much different will the numbers be? 2.0 maybe a 2.2? We are thinking his numbers are going to start jumping now a bit because we are going to start salads now (he was 2.3 this am) and his amiodarone gets cut in half next week, and they antipicipate his numbers to bounce awhile after he goes off it (they said 2 months), and then with his work being so active....just thought there may be times we may test twice a week once returning to work (just to watch...I know....leave it alone...hehehe) so we may burn through a few more strips.
Yes figure about + or - 3 either way, outside of that would be questionable. Of course it depends too on what they run their tests with. If it's the lab, expect to see .6 difference higher then their results. The diet isn't really a big factor. What's screwing him up is the Amiodarone. The sooner they can get him off of it completely, the better for everything concerned. I'd be asking them about Betapace or Sotolol. Amiodarone should really only be used as a last resort, not a first defense.

Testing twice a week with this change going on might not be a real good idea. Unless it's way out of whack, I'd stay at weekly.
I order my INRatio strips from QAS. They charge $120 for a box of 12 and I pay $24 as a copay. It really depends on your insurance.

I think QAS might charge less if you are self-pay but I am not sure since it doesn't apply to me.

You could also ask if they will provide a discount if you buy more than 1 box. It never hurts to ask.
Ross said:
Yeah but Jeff, you can order from places that us folks cannot. At least not until we get our medical licensing. :)
Funny thing was, they never asked. Just ordered over the web site. (just like all those Vi@gra ads!)


Hi Diesel,

I am thinking of getting INR monitoring machine. But,after reading all these replies, doubt about accuracy of the results and high cost of strips, I wonder whether it is worth to buy the machine. I am on Medicare and may not have to pay anything from my pocket, but it still bothers me.

Ram Patel said:
Hi Diesel,

I am thinking of getting INR monitoring machine. But,after reading all these replies, doubt about accuracy of the results and high cost of strips, I wonder whether it is worth to buy the machine. I am on Medicare and may not have to pay anything from my pocket, but it still bothers me.

Ram that's just the way it is with INR from one machine to the next and machine to lab. You will never get the same reading twice. Well, I can't say never, but it's vary rare. Even if you test yourself twice, your going to come up with a different reading, the thing is, is it as close to the other or is it way off? The machines have proven to be accurate and if your medicare, then testing weekly is what you'll be doing. Why not, they'll pay for it, though you may have a small out of pocket expense. ;)