Stupid Cough!

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2012
Five months out and I've had this annoying dry cough on and off for a couple months now. My doctor didn't seem too concerned when I saw him last month. I see him in two weeks and will bring it up again.

Ideas? Anyone experienced this?
Some Meds make you cough. What blood pressure med are you on? Lisinapril is called the coughing medicine.

There are many options to Lisinapril that won't make you cough. Ask your cardio for a new script. You shouldn't need to go in for a visit.
Awesome advice everyone. My next apt is just a routine checkup. I will ask him for something new as long as it is available in generic.
dr just put me on lisinpril 5mg makes me clight headed and yes the cough dr my change me after tee test dec 6th 2012