Stress / INR??

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
Hi all, quick question. Can stress effect your INR levels? Mine has been out of whack for about 2 months. Had a major nose bleed yesterday. Had blood tested today and it was 7.8 (supposed to be between 2.5-3.5). Talked directly with my cardio and he told me to not take my coumadin tonight or tomorrow night, then take 5mgs 5 days and 7.5 next Tues. and Thurs. and recheck on Wed next week. The only think out of the ordinary is that I've been under some stress (who isn't these days). No change in meds except he increased coreg to 13 mgs/day and put me on lexapro. He says that these meds shouldn't make any difference. Any input?? I'm going to the beach - for work for a few days and am wondering if it would be ok. I should have asked my dr. but was afraid he might tell me to cancel trip. I know, I'm a whimp!!
Yes but stress usually lowers it. Need more information like what was your dosing schedule before this episode and how about any other meds like antibioctics?
Did you confirm the high INR with another test? I know not many doctors or labs will do that, but I would always request it if I pulled a high INR at the lab just to make sure it wasn't some fluke of a test. It usually isn't, but there have been instances.
Ross, thanks for the info about stress/lower INR- didn't know that!! No, no antibiotics. Dosage prior- 5mgs 3 days and 7.5 4 days.
Karlynn, it is very possible that there could have been a mistake made at the local little hospital where I go to have it checked. They sent the results to my cardio in a bigger city about 2 hours away who then calls me back and instructs me on dosage. The nurse who called me back was actually a nurse from another cardio office, sounded like she was a little perplexed because she said the lab tech who called it in didn't even call the right office. I don't understand why because my dr.'s fax # is clearly written on the standing order. Thanks Ross and Karlynn, you're advise is always helpful. Have a blessed day!!
Actually it could go either way. If your stressed, your probably not eating right or in the case of some people overeating because of it. There are too many things that play a part to add up to those INR numbers, so without nearly pinpoint descriptions of all you do, eat, excercise, take for meds, past dosing schedule in addition to current, it's pretty much impossible to say.
Ross said:
Actually it could go either way. If your stressed, your probably not eating right or in the case of some people overeating because of it. There are too many things that play a part to add up to those INR numbers, so without nearly pinpoint descriptions of all you do, eat, excercise, take for meds, past dosing schedule in addition to current, it's pretty much impossible to say.

I agree w/ Ross. When I'm stressed, I tend to skip meals or eat less, which will increase my INR.

I home-test, and when I get an INR that's higher than normal, I reflect on what I did since the last test and record it in my INR test booklet. Also record starting/stopping any other meds, when I recharge my testing machine, etc.