"Strapless" Heart rate monitors

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Hi All,

I've searched the site for previous threads on Heart rate monitors and found a lot of good information, however mosts of the posts related experiences with heart rate monitor that required the strap around the chest.

I currently have a Polar monitor that I purchased several years ago and it still works, however the strap is extremely irritating to my Sternotomy incision which is only 12 days old.

Do any of you kind people out there use a Strapless "wrist type" monitor that you are happy with and would recommend? I know there are several brands including Reebok, Mia, Sportline, etc. But a common complaint about the wrist type seems to be that they take a while to display the heart rate when you touch them with two fingers, or they are somewhat unreliable as far as consistent accuracy.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

Bless you all,
I got a LifeFitness Dual Watch and Heart Rate Monitor that does not require strap. However, you do not get a continuous read out of your pulse - you have to take two fingers and press on the device to get your pulse. This is handy when you're in recovery and feel the need to monitor your heart rate pretty regularly, but do not need it all the time. However, I do not think it would be that great for checking your pulse while exercising since you have to press the two fingers to the device to get your pulse. I use regular chest strap type Polar heart rate monitor while exercising. I do not know of any strapless device that would provide continuous heart rate, but they may exist? Since you're only 12 days out from your surgery, you might want to purchase one of the strapless devices to check your heart rate while you're recovering, and then switch to the device with the strap when you get exercising. By then your chest should be less sensitive. Another way to check your pulse is just take your pulse for 15 seconds and multiply by 4.
Mine has a strap, but what I did for several months is put a folded piece of Kleenex under the part that was directly on the scar (the two electrodes are on the two sides, so it's O.K. to put Kleenex under the middle).
Thank you Adrienne & Dan,

I really do need a continuous read out HRM so I guess I'll have to invest in a newer Strap type. Like you said Dan, there doesn't seem to be any Strapless types that provide a continuous heart rate readout.

Thanks Adrienne for the tip on using Kleenex under the strap where the incision is. I am going to try that when I do my treadmill workout a little later today.
Like I mentioned in my first posting , I have a rather old Polar unit (6 years old) which has a very stiff strap. Hopefully the newer ones will have softer straps.

Thanks again for your suggestions!
Wi-HarleyGuy said:
Thank you Adrienne & Dan,

I really do need a continuous read out HRM so I guess I'll have to invest in a newer Strap type. Like you said Dan, there doesn't seem to be any Strapless types that provide a continuous heart rate readout.

Thanks Adrienne for the tip on using Kleenex under the strap where the incision is. I am going to try that when I do my treadmill workout a little later today.
Like I mentioned in my first posting , I have a rather old Polar unit (6 years old) which has a very stiff strap. Hopefully the newer ones will have softer straps.

Thanks again for your suggestions!

Mine is a Polar F11 and has a flexible strap. The electrodes are somehow or other incorporated in the flexible strap. The only part that is rigid is the transmitter in the middle. It's under the transmitter that I put the Kleenex.