Stomach pain

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13 weeks post op, getting back in the on my feet but have had on and off again lower rib/upper stomach soreness on my right side since the surgery. About 2 inches to the my right of the bottom of my sternum. Chest tubes were on the left about in the same area but wrong side. The last few days the soreness has turned to sharp stabbing pain especially when I strain or bend over. The only response from the surgeon was "probably some inflamed cartlidge". Any ideas or similiar pains??? Thanks.
Only 4 weeks post op.

Not had a constant pain but had a rib/stomach pain that has hit a couple of times, mostly associated with me moving/stretching after sitting in an awkward position for too long.

Has always gone after a few minutes thankfully as it is very painful.

Doesn't sound like what you have had, more like a very mild version certainly on the time front as you seem to be describing a more constant pain.

Do any pain meds help or reduce severity?

Hi Matt,

Are you having any shortness of breath with your other symptoms? If you are, you might might want to get checked for pericardial or pleural effusions.
My pericarditis at 10 weeks hurt the most when I would bend over. A REALLY deep breath will usually hurt at the end of it as well. I still have some strange pinching and pulling at almost 12 weeks, and I like to think it's just muscles, nerves, cartlidge, whatever as long as it's healing pains.

Hope you start feeling better soon. Isn't this so annoying when you feel like you should be almost better and you keep hitting bumps along the way???
Hi Matt -

Me too, and right where you are describing, although I had twin drain holes with one on each side. I can't remember if the doctor called it dislocated cartilage or inflamed or what he called it, but IT HURT BADLY for several months -- same location as you are describing. I think it's the bottom rib, where it attaches to the sternum. It did gradually get better, but laughing was one of the things that was agonizingly painful for quite a long while. Lots of things would make the pain ZING; even sitting for long periods of time, like if we would go out to dinner with friends, would make it hurt.

I did find some other people here on VR.COM, who experienced similar cartilage problems so maybe they'll see your thread and post.

My chiropractor recommended a rib belt when I saw him a few months after surgery -- he suggested I wear it for a month -- but I declined. I'm not sure that would be a good idea for a heart patient still recovering to be wrapped up tightly like that.

And, not to scare you, because it may not be as bad for you, but here I am, well over 3 years out, and it still hurts sometimes but nothing like the pretty awful pain I had early on.

I think good posture might be your best friend for the time being. Hang in there. Who would think a rib or some cartilage could cause so much pain?!
Thanks for the info. I was sure someone out there had experienced this.!
you can search on costocondritis and may find some information. I am a year out and i still ahve periods of soreness and periods of pain.
Yep, that's the word I was trying to remember. Costochondritis, or whatever. Jerry was certain a few weeks after his pericardial window surgery that there was something terribly wrong in there. After consulting the surgeon he was assured that it would eventually go away and to just take tylenol for pain. His was on the left side, however.