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Aunt Granny

Well-known member
May 30, 2003
Justin, Texas
I am going in for my catherization Wednesday Dec. 3rd. I thought that if they had to put in a stent that I would still be able to go back to work on Monday. My boss seems to think I could be out for a couple of weeks? Any idea? I have a call into the doc's office, but happened to think about you guies - yall know everything!:p
Two people I work with had a stents put in their coronary arteries and they were out for 2 weeks. Good luck.
Kathy H
When I had my stent put in 6 years ago I had it done on a Wednesday and returned to work Monday. Two days seems too short and two weeks seems too long but a lot depends on the state of your health. Listen to how your body feels.
