Staying the Course -- 11-09-2015

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Going to quickly start a new week before head to Mended Hearts meeting and then my DW's hand therapy.

My son seems to be transitioning Dasher from a workplace dog to my dog more and more. Dash seems to be settling in more. He loves to walk but still uses that power to try to enforce his way at times. Need to work at it. I really need to shed some pounds and walking is the best option I have -- reduction of weight could take some of the strain off my stenotic back.

Always a worry: I've got a repeat echo coming up next month b/c my cardio is concerned about possible enlargement of my left atrium. I've read a lot online (naturally). I'm going to rummage through my box of medical records and see what past measurements have been. I know several docs, including my great surgeon, have remarked that I have a large heart, and that's not necessarily always a bad thing.

Anyway,, here's more motivation to do what I can to be as fit a senior citizen as I can be.

Hope all's going well on the course that you're staying -- or, better, all of the varied courses that all of you are staying.


SUPERBOB (who hasn't had a chance to watch "Supergirl" yet b/c DW has been watching 'Dancing With the Stars" but SB is happy to share his superpowers with SG. Hope to watch the show soon -- anyone watched it?)
Sounds like Dash loves you. ❤ Nothing wrong with a large heart if it isn't life threatening. Mine may be broken but it is also very large and l wouldn't have it any other way Sbob. Hope your enlargement however is under control. And your echo reading is good and not alot of change.

So keeping git or getting fit boy l will tell you what ..l am finding pre cardiac rehab very hard and extremely tiring. But lm a trooper and will stay the course !!! So to speak.
Weight 😕😕😕 l don't even wanna look this week l am under a very significant amount of stress as of late which of course does Noone any good. But l always do one of two thing gain or lose and l have a really good feeling it was a gain.
Have a great week !!
Glad to read that your new canine friend "Dash" is working out, Superbob. Our little rescue puppy "Katie" is also coming along nicely in her third week with us. She is making great progress with potty training and ins really a delight in all other respects. Starting last Saturday i seem to be experiencing a lot of for example thirty seconds of them followed by 30 seconds of regular rhythm...worse at night of course, but not brought on by exercise, rather they seem to occur most often when i'm resting. I will contact my cardio to be safe but I assume that a some amount of PVCs is not something out of the ordianry eight months out from surgery.

Harriet, it is fine to stay the course without getting on the scales. I avoid them a lot myself -- and yes, I too can feel when I am up or down in weight. I feel that I am down a few in past week, but I am just going to hold on to that feeling without bringing the scales into the picture right now. I go to various doctors enough that I have to deal with their scales a lot as is. Hope your pre-CR smooths out so that you will have a positive experience with cardiac rehab.

Jim, rescue puppy "Katie" has to be a great joy in your household. Makes me smile to think of that happiness. We've pretty much decided that sharing our son's energetic yellow lab (who is right next door) is the best course for us right now. Dasher spent the night over here last night and will spend the coming weekend with us. I can walk or play with him anytime I want.

Glad you're consulting your cardio about the PVCs though it is most likely just a minor thing as you say.

Take care, all.
I worked really hard last week and did everything right and gained a pound. That's how it goes sometimes though. It'll probably be a bigger loss next week and I had a couple of suspiciously unrealistic losses back to back. This is probably just evening out to be a more believable rate of weight loss. Wishing everyone as much health as possible and favorable test results.
Those scales are not always fair, dornole, but seems like you are staying a good course with your fitness.

To our STCers and beyond, best wishes for a happy Veterans Day. Originally Armistice Day --- agreement signed at 11th hour of 11th day of 11th month in 1918 to end World War I. (No I had not -- quite -- been born then.)...."Ike" signed bill to make it Veterans Day in 1954....Appreciate all men and women of the armed services. Remember them, celebrate them.
Feasted with family at Logan's last night and then had birthday cake that was yummy but with icing that was waaaay too sugary (for me). Think it messed with my blood sugar in the night; had hard time sleeping.

Anyway the weather for Veterans Day around here was spectacular. Excellent for walking, too.